Nicolás Jodal, CEO, GeneXus nos acerca al universo de las superapps y explora sobre el impacto que tienen dentro del ecommerce.
Nicolás Jodal, CEO, GeneXus nos acerca al universo de las superapps y explora sobre el impacto que tienen dentro del ecommerce.
Baseado num aprofundado trabalho documental e nas contribuições de mais de 200 pioneiros e especialistas do ecossistema digital, este livro entrelaça múltiplas histórias para oferecer uma visão completa e colaborativa da história e do desenvolvimento do comércio digital na Ibero-América.
David Rodríguez Ureña es un experimentado ejecutivo con una destacada trayectoria en la industria de internet. Su carrera abarca diversos roles de liderazgo y emprendimiento, demostrando habilidades excepcionales en negociación, planificación empresarial, ventas y comercio electrónico.
Se desempeña actualmente como Presidente de WIM Group Company, donde lidera la estrategia corporativa y la toma de decisiones clave para el crecimiento y desarrollo de la empresa. Su liderazgo se caracteriza por un enfoque en la innovación y la excelencia operativa.
Como CEO y fundador de WEBIMPACTO CONSULTING S.L., ha establecido y dirigido la empresa hacia el éxito, convirtiéndola en un referente en el ámbito del marketing digital y consultoría de ecommerce. Su visión estratégica y habilidades de liderazgo han sido fundamentales para el crecimiento sostenido de la compañía.
También es cofundador de D2C Ecommerce, una plataforma innovadora de comercio electrónico directo al consumidor. Su papel implica la creación y ejecución de estrategias para captar y retener clientes, así como la optimización de la experiencia de compra en línea.
En Fotografía eCommerce, ejerce como Co-CEO, gestionando las operaciones y estrategias comerciales de la empresa. Su enfoque en la calidad y eficiencia ha impulsado el crecimiento y la reputación de la empresa en el mercado.
Antes de fundar sus propias empresas, trabajó como Gerente Comercial en Webpac, donde fue responsable de desarrollar estrategias comerciales y de ventas que incrementaron significativamente los ingresos y la base de clientes de la empresa.
David es un profesional altamente calificado con un Master of Sciences en Ingeniería de Internet de la Universidad de Sunderland. Es conocido por su espíritu emprendedor y su capacidad para liderar equipos hacia el éxito. Su enfoque en la innovación, combinado con su fuerte ética de trabajo y compromiso con la excelencia, lo convierte en un líder destacado en la industria de internet. Su capacidad analítica y su visión estratégica le permiten identificar y aprovechar oportunidades de mercado, asegurando el crecimiento continuo y sostenible de las empresas que dirige.
María Mujica es una líder en transformación digital y comercio electrónico en América Latina con una destacada trayectoria en Mondelez International. Desde el 2020, se desempeña como Vicepresidenta de eCommerce para América Latina en Mondelez, impulsando la aceleración digital en la región.
Además, desde el 2019, colabora como Embajadora Pro Bono para América Latina en el Global Institute of Experienced Entrepreneurship (GIEE), apoyando el emprendimiento y la innovación en el continente. Previamente, lideró la transformación de marketing y eCommerce en América Latina como Directora de eCommerce & Marketing Transformation en Mondelez.
Hasta el 2019, asumió el rol de Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) para América Latina y Líder de eCommerce en la región, fortaleciendo la presencia digital de la compañía. Antes de eso, co-lideró el innovador proyecto Fly Garage, una iniciativa para expandir el comercio digital de Mondelez en América Latina, multiplicando los resultados diez veces en tres años.
María Mujica se destaca por su enfoque en liberar el potencial de los equipos, fomentando una cultura orientada al aprendizaje continuo y la adaptabilidad en un entorno de crecimiento acelerado. Su trayectoria de más de diez años en transformación digital incluye tres grandes cambios impulsados con equipos de alto desempeño: innovación en la creación de productos (Fly Garage), comunicación digital (Digital Accelerator) y expansión del comercio digital en escala.
Christopher Jones es un profesional experimentado con más de 20 años de trayectoria en roles de liderazgo en cadena de abastecimiento, logística, operaciones de locales comerciales, procesos de negocios y sistemas de información.
Se desempeña actualmente como Chief Technology Officer en GDN Group, donde supervisa la dirección tecnológica de la empresa. Su rol implica liderar soluciones innovadoras, mejorar las capacidades del sistema y asegurar la alineación de las estrategias tecnológicas con los objetivos comerciales.
Además de su rol como CTO, contribuye a la supervisión estratégica de GDN AR como miembro del consejo de administración. Sus conocimientos ayudan a guiar a la organización a través de los desafíos y oportunidades de la industria, aprovechando su amplia experiencia en operaciones y tecnología.
Su visión estratégica y su liderazgo se ejemplifican aún más por su posición en el consejo de administración de TIA S.A. Aquí, colabora con otros miembros del consejo para definir políticas empresariales y objetivos a largo plazo, enfocándose en la innovación y el crecimiento.
Fue CEO Country Manager en Ta-Ta S.A., donde fue responsable de las operaciones generales, la planificación estratégica y la expansión en el mercado. Su gestión vio mejoras significativas en la eficiencia operativa y la satisfacción del cliente, junto con un crecimiento sustancial en la cuota de mercado.
En Walmart, se desempeñó como Director de Procesos de Negocios y TI para Argentina y Chile. Lideró iniciativas para optimizar procesos empresariales e implementar soluciones de TI que mejoraron la efectividad operativa y apoyaron las operaciones minoristas a gran escala de la empresa.
La carrera de Christopher Jones refleja un compromiso con la excelencia en la gestión de la cadena de abastecimiento, la innovación tecnológica y el liderazgo estratégico, lo que lo convierte en un activo valioso para cualquier organización que busque avances operativos y tecnológicos.
Agustín Palloti es un Director de Negocios especializado en comercio electrónico, cuya misión es ayudar a empresas a maximizar sus ventas a través de canales digitales. Con una sólida trayectoria en el ámbito del eCommerce, ha liderado la creación de tiendas en línea altamente efectivas, diseñadas específicamente para empresas con ingresos anuales superiores a los 20 millones de dólares en toda América Latina.
Es un experto en la plataforma VTEX, donde se enfoca en ofrecer soluciones personalizadas que impulsan un crecimiento significativo para medianas y grandes empresas. Su enfoque estratégico en el desarrollo de negocios y su profundo conocimiento en comunicación de marketing le han permitido llevar proyectos de eCommerce a niveles de excelencia.
Su carrera incluye experiencias profesionales en ciudades clave como Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Bogotá, Ciudad de México, Madrid y Querétaro. Estas vivencias internacionales han enriquecido su perspectiva global y le han dotado de la capacidad de adaptarse y sobresalir en entornos multiculturales.
Entre sus principales logros, destaca haber liderado la apertura de las oficinas de VTEX en México (2014) y España (2016), estableciendo la presencia de la compañía en mercados estratégicos. Asimismo, fue uno de los creadores del evento HotSale en México, un hito en el panorama del comercio electrónico del país.
También es cofundador de Geelbe, el primer club de compras privadas en América Latina, que alcanzó un crecimiento exponencial bajo su liderazgo, atrayendo más de 5 millones de dólares en inversión y expandiéndose a tres países. Además, en 2003, fue pionero en la creación de la primera tienda online de equipos para deportes extremos en Argentina, marcando un precedente en el comercio electrónico del país.
Actualmente, ocupa diversos roles de liderazgo en empresas e iniciativas. Su visión estratégica y su pasión por la innovación han consolidado a Agustín Palloti como un referente en la transformación digital y el desarrollo de negocios en el ecosistema del comercio electrónico en América Latina y más allá.
Ariel Leiro es un destacado profesional en el ámbito del comercio digital, con una amplia trayectoria en la dirección y aceleración de negocios digitales. Actualmente, ocupa el cargo de Director de Producto Digital para Fulfillment en Cencosud S.A., donde lidera la optimización y evolución de los productos digitales relacionados con la logística y la cadena de suministro en la empresa.
Antes de su rol actual, fue Director de Producto Digital en Cencosud S.A. enfocado en la fase de PreSales, contribuyendo significativamente al desarrollo de estrategias digitales que impulsaron el crecimiento y la eficiencia de las ventas anticipadas.
Su carrera en Cencosud S.A. comenzó en 2021 como Gerente Regional de Aceleración de Negocios y Operaciones Digitales, un rol en el que lideró proyectos clave para la transformación digital de la empresa en varios mercados de América Latina.
Paralelamente a su labor en Cencosud S.A., ha estado vinculado al eCommerce Institute desde el 2018 como Director del Programa de Comercio Digital, donde ha diseñado y dirigido programas educativos enfocados en la capacitación de profesionales en el ámbito del comercio electrónico. Además, se desempeñó como Profesor de eCommerce en la misma institución, compartiendo su vasto conocimiento y experiencia con nuevas generaciones de especialistas en comercio digital.
Con una visión estratégica y un enfoque en la innovación, Ariel Leiro continúa siendo una figura clave en la evolución del comercio digital en América Latina, combinando su experiencia en grandes corporaciones con su pasión por la educación y el desarrollo del talento en el sector.
María Paula Arregui es una destacada ejecutiva con una extensa trayectoria en la industria tecnológica y de servicios financieros digitales. Desde marzo de 2000, ocupa el cargo de Senior Vice President de Producto en MercadoPago, la plataforma de pagos de, donde ha desempeñado un papel fundamental en el desarrollo y expansión de soluciones de pago innovadoras en América Latina.
Bajo su liderazgo, MercadoPago se ha consolidado como un referente en el sector, ofreciendo herramientas de pago y servicios financieros que han transformado la forma en que empresas y consumidores gestionan sus transacciones en línea. Su enfoque estratégico y visión innovadora han contribuido significativamente al crecimiento sostenido de MercadoLibre y al fortalecimiento del ecosistema digital en la región.
María Paula Arregui combina una profunda experiencia en gestión de producto con un compromiso constante por la innovación, lo que la convierte en una figura clave en la evolución de los servicios financieros digitales en América Latina. Su liderazgo inspira y define las tendencias del mercado, impactando positivamente en millones de usuarios y negocios.
Marcelo Galperín é um empreendedor destacado e líder em tecnologia, com mais de três décadas de experiência na criação e direção de projetos inovadores. Atualmente, é Co-Fundador e CEO da, uma empresa focada em transformar a experiência de venda virtual por meio de soluções tecnológicas avançadas, consolidando-se como um ator chave no setor.
Desde o ano 2000, Marcelo também lidera a Virtual Company Services, empresa que fundou com o propósito de oferecer serviços digitais empresariais projetados para otimizar a eficiência e conectividade corporativa. Sua visão estratégica permitiu que a empresa se mantivesse em constante crescimento e evolução.
No início de sua trajetória, foi cofundador e CTO do, onde desempenhou um papel fundamental na criação e desenvolvimento da plataforma de comércio eletrônico líder na América Latina. Seu foco em inovação tecnológica foi crucial para o sucesso inicial da empresa. Anteriormente, trabalhou como CTO na SADESA, onde liderou a modernização dos sistemas tecnológicos da empresa, marcando o início de sua carreira no campo das tecnologias da informação.
Ao longo de sua trajetória, demonstrou uma notável capacidade para identificar oportunidades e liderar projetos que geram um impacto positivo no mercado. Sua experiência e visão o posicionam como um referencial no setor empresarial e tecnológico.
Marcelo Galperín is a prominent entrepreneur and technology leader with more than three decades of experience in creating and leading innovative projects. He is currently the Co-Founder and CEO of, a company focused on transforming the virtual selling experience through advanced technological solutions, establishing itself as a key player in the sector.
Since 2000, Marcelo has also led Virtual Company Services, a company he founded to offer business digital services designed to optimize efficiency and corporate connectivity. His strategic vision has allowed the firm to remain in constant growth and evolution.
At the start of his career, he was a co-founder and CTO of, where he played a key role in the creation and development of the leading e-commerce platform in Latin America. His focus on technological innovation was crucial to the company’s initial success. Previously, he worked as CTO at SADESA, where he led the modernization of the company’s technological systems, marking the beginning of his career in information technology.
Throughout his career, he has demonstrated a remarkable ability to identify opportunities and lead projects that generate a positive impact in the market. His experience and vision position him as a reference in the business and technology fields.
Marcelo Galperín es un destacado emprendedor y líder en tecnología, con más de tres décadas de experiencia en la creación y dirección de proyectos innovadores. Actualmente es Co-Founder y CEO de, una empresa enfocada en transformar la experiencia de venta virtual a través de soluciones tecnológicas avanzadas, consolidándose como un actor clave en el sector.
Desde el año 2000, Marcelo también ha liderado Virtual Company Services, empresa que fundó con el propósito de ofrecer servicios digitales empresariales diseñados para optimizar la eficiencia y conectividad corporativa. Su visión estratégica ha permitido a la firma mantenerse en constante crecimiento y evolución.
En el inicio de su trayectoria, fue cofundador y CTO de, donde desempeñó un papel fundamental en la creación y desarrollo de la plataforma de comercio electrónico líder en América Latina. Su enfoque en la innovación tecnológica fue clave para el éxito inicial de la compañía. Previamente, trabajó como CTO en SADESA, donde lideró la modernización de los sistemas tecnológicos de la empresa, marcando el inicio de su carrera en el ámbito de las tecnologías de la información.
A lo largo de su trayectoria, ha demostrado una notable capacidad para identificar oportunidades y liderar proyectos que generan un impacto positivo en el mercado. Su experiencia y visión lo posicionan como un referente en el ámbito empresarial y tecnológico.
Carlo Rodríguez es un consultor de negocios digitales con más de 20 años de experiencia en el ámbito digital y un apasionado por todo lo relacionado con el mundo digital. A lo largo de su carrera, ha desarrollado una profunda especialización en diversas áreas clave del marketing digital, incluyendo SEO, Marketing de Contenidos, Analítica Digital, Publicidad Digital y Experiencia de Usuario (UX).
Desde el 2024, es el Presidente del Comité de Data & AI en IAB Perú, donde lidera iniciativas para impulsar la innovación y el uso estratégico de datos e inteligencia artificial en el marketing digital. Además, es el propietario de Attach, una consultora donde ha ayudado a numerosas empresas a transformar y optimizar su presencia digital.
Su pasión por el desarrollo de nuevos talentos lo llevó a convertirse en Mentor en Waves-Latin American Accelerator, donde guía a startups en su camino hacia el éxito digital. Anteriormente, fue Director del Programa Especializado en Estrategia de Marketing Digital en la UTEC (Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología), contribuyendo a la formación de futuros líderes en marketing digital.
Entre 2013 y 2018, fue Google Regional Speaker en Cardinal Path, compartiendo su experiencia y conocimientos con audiencias en toda la región. Su dedicación y profundo conocimiento del marketing digital lo han convertido en una figura clave en la industria, siempre comprometido con la innovación y la excelencia en el ámbito digital.
Carlo Rodríguez is a digital business consultant with over 20 years of experience in the digital field and a passion for everything related to the digital world. Throughout his career, he has developed deep specialization in various key areas of digital marketing, including SEO, Content Marketing, Digital Analytics, Digital Advertising, and User Experience (UX).
Since 2024, he has been the President of the Data & AI Committee at IAB Peru, where he leads initiatives to drive innovation and the strategic use of data and artificial intelligence in digital marketing. Additionally, he is the owner of Attach, a consultancy where he has helped numerous companies transform and optimize their digital presence.
His passion for developing new talent led him to become a Mentor at Waves-Latin American Accelerator, where he guides startups on their path to digital success. Previously, he was Director of the Specialized Program in Digital Marketing Strategy at UTEC (University of Engineering and Technology), contributing to the education of future leaders in digital marketing.
Between 2013 and 2018, he was a Google Regional Speaker at Cardinal Path, sharing his experience and knowledge with audiences across the region. His dedication and deep knowledge of digital marketing have made him a key figure in the industry, always committed to innovation and excellence in the digital field.
Carlo Rodríguez é um consultor de negócios digitais com mais de 20 anos de experiência no campo digital e é apaixonado por tudo relacionado ao mundo digital. Ao longo de sua carreira, ele desenvolveu uma profunda especialização em várias áreas chave do marketing digital, incluindo SEO, Marketing de Conteúdo, Análise Digital, Publicidade Digital e Experiência do Usuário (UX).
Desde 2024, é o Presidente do Comitê de Data & AI no IAB Peru, onde lidera iniciativas para impulsionar a inovação e o uso estratégico de dados e inteligência artificial no marketing digital. Além disso, é proprietário da Attach, uma consultoria onde tem ajudado várias empresas a transformar e otimizar sua presença digital.
Sua paixão pelo desenvolvimento de novos talentos o levou a se tornar Mentor no Waves-Latin American Accelerator, onde orienta startups em sua jornada rumo ao sucesso digital. Anteriormente, foi Diretor do Programa Especializado em Estratégia de Marketing Digital na UTEC (Universidade de Engenharia e Tecnologia), contribuindo para a formação de futuros líderes em marketing digital.
Entre 2013 e 2018, foi Google Regional Speaker na Cardinal Path, compartilhando sua experiência e conhecimentos com públicos de toda a região. Sua dedicação e profundo conhecimento do marketing digital o tornaram uma figura-chave na indústria, sempre comprometido com a inovação e a excelência no campo digital.
Jorge Goulu é um destacado líder latino-americano com mais de 20 anos de experiência em cargos regionais. Sua carreira é caracterizada pela sua capacidade de liderar e transformar organizações em contextos desafiadores, impulsionando a transição das empresas para o mundo digital.
Atualmente, desde 2021, é sócio na Think-Thanks, onde continua aplicando sua vasta experiência em estratégias de negócios e transformação digital. Antes disso, foi Vice-Presidente dos IBM Business Partners para a América Latina, sendo responsável pela transformação dos ecossistemas das empresas para o ambiente digital, fortalecendo as alianças estratégicas na região.
Antes dessa função, foi CEO para a região da América do Sul Hispânica na IBM. Durante esse período, teve responsabilidade total pelo P&L em países como Argentina, Chile, Uruguai, Paraguai, Peru, Bolívia, Colômbia, Venezuela, Equador e os países da América Central. Nesse papel, liderou a era Cognitiva para os clientes, abrangendo desde serviços de consultoria, hardware e software até outsourcing tecnológico.
Antes de assumir a direção regional, foi Presidente e CEO da IBM Argentina, até 2013, onde conduziu a empresa com sucesso por uma crise política e econômica muito difícil na Argentina. Durante sua gestão, também foi presidente do coloquio de IDEA e fundador da organização Argencom, dedicada a promover as exportações de serviços no país.
Ao longo de sua carreira, ocupou várias posições comerciais para a América Latina e América do Sul Hispânica, onde transformou o negócio, expandiu a presença da empresa para mais de 100 cidades, desenvolveu um ecossistema de parceiros de negócios com mais de 1500 empresas e promoveu uma mudança de enfoque de produtos para soluções.
Jorge Goulu es un destacado líder latinoamericano con más de 20 años de experiencia en roles regionales. Su carrera se ha caracterizado por su capacidad para liderar y transformar organizaciones en contextos desafiantes, impulsando la transición de las empresas hacia el mundo digital.
Actualmente, desde el 2021, es socio en Think-Thanks, donde continúa aplicando su vasta experiencia en estrategias de negocio y transformación digital. Antes de esto, fue Vicepresidente de IBM Business Partners para América Latina, donde fue responsable de la transformación de los ecosistemas de las empresas hacia el entorno digital, fortaleciendo las alianzas estratégicas en la región.
Previo a este rol, se desempeñó como CEO para la región de Sudamérica Hispana en IBM. Durante este período, tuvo la responsabilidad total de P&L en países como Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Perú, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador y los países de Centroamérica. En este rol, lideró la era Cognitiva para los clientes, abarcando desde servicios de consultoría, hardware y software hasta outsourcing tecnológico.
Antes de asumir la dirección regional, fue Presidente y CEO de IBM Argentina, hasta el 2013, donde guió exitosamente a la compañía a través de una crisis política y económica muy difícil en Argentina. Durante su gestión, también fue presidente del coloquio de IDEA y fundador de la organización Argencom, dedicada a promover las exportaciones de servicios en el país.
A lo largo de su carrera, ocupó varias posiciones comerciales para América Latina y Sudamérica Hispana, donde transformó el negocio, expandió la presencia de la empresa en más de 100 ciudades, desarrolló un ecosistema de socios de negocio de más de 1500 empresas y promovió un cambio de enfoque desde productos hacia soluciones.
Jorge Goulu is a prominent Latin American leader with over 20 years of experience in regional roles. His career has been characterized by his ability to lead and transform organizations in challenging contexts, driving companies’ transition to the digital world.
Since 2021, he has been a partner at Think-Thanks, where he continues to apply his vast experience in business strategies and digital transformation. Before this, he was Vice President of IBM Business Partners for Latin America, where he was responsible for transforming business ecosystems into the digital environment, strengthening strategic alliances in the region.
Prior to this role, he served as CEO for the Spanish South America region at IBM. During this time, he held full P&L responsibility in countries such as Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Central American countries. In this role, he led the Cognitive Era for clients, covering consulting services, hardware and software, and technology outsourcing.
Before assuming the regional direction, he was President and CEO of IBM Argentina until 2013, where he successfully guided the company through a very challenging political and economic crisis in Argentina. During his tenure, he was also president of the IDEA colloquium and founder of the Argencom organization, dedicated to promoting service exports in the country.
Throughout his career, he held various commercial positions for Latin America and Spanish South America, transforming the business, expanding the company’s presence to more than 100 cities, developing a business partner ecosystem of over 1,500 companies, and promoting a shift in focus from products to solutions.
Eugenio Sánchez es un profesional destacado con más de ocho años de experiencia en el sector financiero y en el sector público, actualmente desempeñándose como Jefe de Oficina de Estrategia y Desarrollo en Positiva Compañía de Seguros desde el 2022. En esta posición, ha liderado con éxito la implementación de estrategias que impulsan la transformación digital de la organización, demostrando una habilidad excepcional para establecer y mantener relaciones interinstitucionales que facilitan el diseño y la ejecución de programas de gran impacto.
Además es Gerente de Proyecto de Servicios Ciudadanos Digitales en la Agencia Nacional Digital, donde contribuyó a la modernización de los servicios digitales a nivel nacional. Su trayectoria incluye también su desempeño como Coordinador Técnico y Funcional en la misma agencia, y como Subdirector de Comercio Electrónico en el Ministerio de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones. En este último, estuvo a cargo de proyectos clave que potenciaron el comercio electrónico en el país.
Eugenio Sánchez también es reconocido por su papel como movilizador y organizador de grupos juveniles en torno a políticas públicas, lo que subraya su compromiso con el desarrollo social.
Eugenio Sánchez is a distinguished professional with over eight years of experience in the financial sector and public sector, currently serving as Head of the Strategy and Development Office at Positiva Compañía de Seguros since 2022. In this role, he has successfully led the implementation of strategies driving the digital transformation of the organization, showcasing exceptional ability to establish and maintain inter-institutional relationships that facilitate the design and execution of high-impact programs.
He is also a Project Manager for Digital Citizen Services at the National Digital Agency, where he has contributed to the modernization of digital services at a national level. His career also includes serving as Technical and Functional Coordinator at the same agency and as Deputy Director of E-Commerce at the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies. In this last role, he oversaw key projects that boosted e-commerce in the country.
Eugenio Sánchez is also recognized for his role as a mobilizer and organizer of youth groups around public policies, underscoring his commitment to social development.
Eugenio Sánchez é um profissional destacado com mais de oito anos de experiência no setor financeiro e no setor público, atualmente atuando como Chefe do Escritório de Estratégia e Desenvolvimento na Positiva Companhia de Seguros desde 2022. Nesta posição, liderou com sucesso a implementação de estratégias que impulsionam a transformação digital da organização, demonstrando uma habilidade excepcional para estabelecer e manter relações interinstitucionais que facilitam o desenho e a execução de programas de grande impacto.
Além disso, é Gerente de Projeto de Serviços Cidadãos Digitais na Agência Nacional Digital, onde contribuiu para a modernização dos serviços digitais a nível nacional. Sua trajetória inclui também seu desempenho como Coordenador Técnico e Funcional na mesma agência, e como Subdiretor de Comércio Eletrônico no Ministério de Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicações. Neste último, foi responsável por projetos chave que impulsionaram o comércio eletrônico no país.
Eugenio Sánchez também é reconhecido por seu papel como mobilizador e organizador de grupos juvenis em torno de políticas públicas, o que destaca seu compromisso com o desenvolvimento social.
Leonardo Silveira é um empreendedor e líder empresarial com uma trajetória destacada na fundação e assessoria de diversas empresas na América Latina. Ele atua como Co-Fundador da RukiPay, uma empresa focada em soluções de pagamentos digitais, onde lidera a visão estratégica e o crescimento da companhia.
Além de seu papel na RukiPay, é membro do Conselho Consultivo da tapi, onde contribui com sua experiência em desenvolvimento de negócios e estratégia para orientar as decisões da empresa em sua expansão e consolidação no mercado.
Desde 2021, também tem sido Consultor e Membro do Conselho na Data4Sales, uma empresa dedicada à análise de dados para otimizar estratégias de vendas, onde contribui com seu conhecimento em tecnologia e análise de mercado para impulsionar a inovação e o desempenho da empresa.
Foi Investidor e Membro do Conselho na Puntovet Uruguai. Nesta empresa, seu foco tem sido apoiar o crescimento e a expansão do negócio, assegurando que a companhia mantenha sua posição de liderança no setor de serviços veterinários no Uruguai.
Desde 2015, é também Membro do Conselho da Infotin S.A., onde desempenhou um papel fundamental na supervisão e orientação estratégica da empresa, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de soluções tecnológicas inovadoras que permitiram à Infotin consolidar-se no mercado tecnológico.
Ao longo de sua carreira, Leonardo Silveira demonstrou um forte compromisso com o desenvolvimento empresarial, a inovação e a criação de valor em cada um dos projetos nos quais esteve envolvido.
Leonardo Silveira es un emprendedor y líder empresarial con una trayectoria destacada en la fundación y asesoramiento de diversas empresas en América Latina. Se desempeña como Co-Fundador de RukiPay, una empresa enfocada en soluciones de pagos digitales, donde lidera la visión estratégica y el crecimiento de la compañía.
Además de su rol en RukiPay, es miembro del Consejo Asesor de tapi, donde aporta su experiencia en desarrollo de negocios y estrategia para guiar las decisiones de la empresa en su expansión y consolidación en el mercado.
Desde el 2021, también ha sido Asesor y Miembro del Consejo en Data4Sales, una empresa dedicada al análisis de datos para optimizar estrategias de ventas, donde contribuye con su conocimiento en tecnología y análisis de mercado para impulsar la innovación y el rendimiento de la compañía.
Ha sido Inversor y Miembro del Consejo en Puntovet Uruguay. En esta empresa, su enfoque ha sido apoyar el crecimiento y la expansión del negocio, asegurando que la compañía mantenga su posición de liderazgo en el sector de servicios veterinarios en Uruguay.
Desde el 2015 además, es Miembro del Consejo de Infotin S.A., donde ha jugado un papel clave en la supervisión y orientación estratégica de la empresa, contribuyendo al desarrollo de soluciones tecnológicas innovadoras que han permitido a Infotin consolidarse en el mercado tecnológico.
A lo largo de su carrera, Leonardo Silveira ha demostrado un fuerte compromiso con el desarrollo empresarial, la innovación y la creación de valor en cada uno de los proyectos en los que ha estado involucrado.
Leonardo Silveira is an entrepreneur and business leader with a remarkable career in founding and advising various companies across Latin America. He serves as Co-Founder of RukiPay, a company focused on digital payment solutions, where he leads the strategic vision and growth of the company.
In addition to his role at RukiPay, he is a member of the Advisory Board of tapi, where he brings his expertise in business development and strategy to guide the company’s decisions in its expansion and market consolidation.
Since 2021, he has also been an Advisor and Board Member at Data4Sales, a company dedicated to data analysis to optimize sales strategies. He contributes his knowledge in technology and market analysis to drive the company’s innovation and performance.
He has been an Investor and Board Member at Puntovet Uruguay. His focus in this company has been to support the growth and expansion of the business, ensuring the company maintains its leadership position in the veterinary services sector in Uruguay.
Since 2015, he has also been a Board Member at Infotin S.A., where he has played a key role in the strategic oversight and guidance of the company, contributing to the development of innovative technological solutions that have enabled Infotin to establish itself in the technology market.
Throughout his career, Leonardo Silveira has demonstrated a strong commitment to business development, innovation, and value creation in each of the projects he has been involved in.
Santiago Pinto Escalier es un inversor visionario y emprendedor experimentado, con una carrera que abarca más de dos décadas y se caracteriza por una profunda pasión por la innovación y el aprendizaje continuo. Su trayectoria comenzó como emprendedor, donde desempeñó un papel crucial en la creación, escalamiento y exitoso retiro de varios negocios en toda América Latina. En los últimos años, ha evolucionado hacia un rol clave como inversor ángel y capitalista de riesgo, donde sigue impulsando el crecimiento y la innovación en el ecosistema de startups.
La carrera emprendedora de Santiago comenzó en 1998, con una serie de emprendimientos exitosos que incluyen: Co-fundador de Motormax, estableció una plataforma líder de comercio electrónico en América Latina, especializada en financiamiento de automóviles, reconocida por sus excepcionales tasas de conversión; Co-fundador de Smowtion, creó una plataforma global de publicidad del lado de la oferta (SSP), contribuyendo significativamente al panorama de la publicidad digital; Co-fundador y ex CEO de Bumeran, estuvo al frente de la empresa líder en e-recruitment en España y América Latina, que posteriormente fue adquirida por Tiger Global; y fue Miembro Asesor en Uramerica, desempeñó un rol estratégico como asesor en la mayor operación de minería de uranio y litio en América Latina.
Forma parte del Comité de Inversores de BYX Ventures, que es parte del Grupo Byma, donde sigue influyendo en el espacio del capital de riesgo. Actualmente, ocupa varias posiciones de liderazgo y asesoría. Su trayectoria y compromiso con la innovación siguen dejando una huella significativa en el ecosistema empresarial de América Latina.
Santiago Pinto Escalier is a visionary investor and experienced entrepreneur with a career spanning over two decades, characterized by a deep passion for innovation and continuous learning. His journey began as an entrepreneur, where he played a pivotal role in creating, scaling, and successfully exiting several businesses across Latin America. In recent years, he has evolved into a key role as an angel investor and venture capitalist, driving growth and innovation in the startup ecosystem.
Santiago’s entrepreneurial career began in 1998, with a series of successful ventures including: Co-founder of Motormax, establishing a leading e-commerce platform in Latin America specialized in car financing, renowned for its exceptional conversion rates; Co-founder of Smowtion, creating a global supply-side platform (SSP) for advertising, significantly contributing to the digital advertising landscape; Co-founder and former CEO of Bumeran, leading the top e-recruitment company in Spain and Latin America, which was later acquired by Tiger Global; and Strategic Advisor at Uramerica, playing a key role in the largest uranium and lithium mining operation in Latin America.
He is a member of the Investment Committee at BYX Ventures, part of the Byma Group, where he continues to influence the venture capital space. Currently, he holds various leadership and advisory positions. His trajectory and commitment to innovation continue to leave a significant mark on the business ecosystem in Latin America.
Santiago Pinto Escalier é um investidor visionário e empreendedor experiente, com uma carreira que abrange mais de duas décadas e se caracteriza por uma profunda paixão pela inovação e pelo aprendizado contínuo. Sua trajetória começou como empreendedor, desempenhando um papel crucial na criação, escalonamento e saída bem-sucedida de vários negócios em toda a América Latina. Nos últimos anos, evoluiu para um papel importante como investidor-anjo e capitalista de risco, continuando a impulsionar o crescimento e a inovação no ecossistema de startups.
A carreira empreendedora de Santiago começou em 1998, com uma série de empreendimentos bem-sucedidos, incluindo: Cofundador da Motormax, estabeleceu uma plataforma líder de comércio eletrônico na América Latina, especializada em financiamento de automóveis, reconhecida por suas excepcionais taxas de conversão; Cofundador da Smowtion, criou uma plataforma global de publicidade do lado da oferta (SSP), contribuindo significativamente para o panorama da publicidade digital; Cofundador e ex-CEO da Bumeran, esteve à frente da empresa líder em e-recruitment na Espanha e América Latina, posteriormente adquirida pela Tiger Global; e foi Membro Consultivo na Uramerica, desempenhando um papel estratégico como consultor na maior operação de mineração de urânio e lítio na América Latina.
Faz parte do Comitê de Investidores da BYX Ventures, que é parte do Grupo Byma, onde continua influenciando no espaço de capital de risco. Atualmente, ocupa várias posições de liderança e consultoria. Sua trajetória e compromisso com a inovação continuam deixando uma marca significativa no ecossistema empresarial da América Latina.
Ariel Leiro é um destacado profissional na área de comércio digital, com ampla experiência na gestão e aceleração de negócios digitais. Atualmente, ocupa o cargo de Diretor de Produto Digital para Fulfillment na Cencosud S.A., onde lidera a otimização e evolução dos produtos digitais relacionados à logística e à cadeia de suprimentos da empresa.
Antes de sua função atual, foi Diretor de Produto Digital na Cencosud S.A., focado na fase de Pré-Vendas, contribuindo significativamente para o desenvolvimento de estratégias digitais que impulsionaram o crescimento e a eficiência das vendas antecipadas.
Sua carreira na Cencosud S.A. começou em 2021 como Gerente Regional de Aceleração de Negócios e Operações Digitais, uma função na qual liderou projetos-chave para a transformação digital da empresa em vários mercados da América Latina.
Paralelamente ao seu trabalho na Cencosud S.A., está vinculado ao eCommerce Institute desde 2018 como Diretor do Programa de Comércio Digital, onde projetou e liderou programas educacionais focados na capacitação de profissionais na área de comércio eletrônico. Além disso, atuou como Professor de eCommerce na mesma instituição, compartilhando seu vasto conhecimento e experiência com novas gerações de especialistas em comércio digital.
Com uma visão estratégica e foco na inovação, Ariel Leiro continua sendo uma figura-chave na evolução do comércio digital na América Latina, combinando sua experiência em grandes corporações com sua paixão pela educação e pelo desenvolvimento de talentos no setor.
Ariel Leiro is a distinguished professional in the field of digital commerce, with extensive experience in managing and accelerating digital businesses. He is currently the Fulfillment Digital Product Director at Cencosud S.A., where he leads the optimization and evolution of digital products related to logistics and the supply chain within the company.
Before his current role, he was the Digital Product Director at Cencosud S.A., focusing on the PreSales phase, significantly contributing to the development of digital strategies that enhanced growth and efficiency in pre-sales operations.
His career at Cencosud S.A. began in 2021 as Regional Manager for Business Acceleration and Digital Operations, a role in which he spearheaded key projects for the digital transformation of the company across various Latin American markets.
Alongside his work at Cencosud S.A., he has been affiliated with the eCommerce Institute since 2018 as the Digital Commerce Program Director, where he has designed and led educational programs aimed at training professionals in e-commerce. Additionally, he has served as an eCommerce Professor at the same institution, sharing his vast knowledge and experience with new generations of digital commerce specialists.
With a strategic vision and a focus on innovation, Ariel Leiro continues to be a key figure in the evolution of digital commerce in Latin America, combining his experience in major corporations with his passion for education and talent development in the sector.
Dimas Gimeno Álvarez es un destacado empresario español con más de dos décadas de experiencia en el sector retail, especializado en transformación digital, omnicanalidad y nuevos modelos de negocio. Actualmente, se desempeña como Presidente Ejecutivo de Wow Concept, una empresa innovadora en el ámbito del retail que busca redefinir la experiencia de compra mediante la integración de tecnología y un enfoque centrado en el cliente.
Desde enero de 2019, también lidera KAPITA, una empresa que fundó y donde ejerce como CEO. KAPITA se enfoca en inversiones estratégicas y en el desarrollo de startups que impulsan la innovación en el comercio y la tecnología digital.
Entre enero de 2009 y marzo de 2021, fue miembro del Patronato de la Fundación Ramón Areces, una entidad dedicada al fomento de la ciencia y la educación en España. Su rol en esta fundación refleja su compromiso con el avance del conocimiento y la innovación.
Es quizás mejor conocido por su rol como Presidente de El Corte Inglés, cargo que ocupó de septiembre de 2014 hasta junio de 2018. Durante su presidencia, supervisó una era de expansión y consolidación significativa para la empresa, que es líder en España y Europa en el sector retail. Bajo su liderazgo, El Corte Inglés alcanzó una facturación de 16.000 millones de euros, operando 35 centros comerciales en España y Portugal y empleando a más de 92.000 personas.
Además, de mayo de 2006 a septiembre de 2008, Dimas fue Director del centro de El Corte Inglés en Oporto, Portugal, donde gestionó operaciones clave y contribuyó al crecimiento y la expansión de la empresa en el mercado portugués.
La carrera de Dimas Gimeno Álvarez destaca por su enfoque estratégico en la integración de nuevas tecnologías en el retail, su habilidad para liderar grandes equipos y su visión para anticipar y adaptarse a las cambiantes dinámicas del mercado global.
Dimas Gimeno Álvarez é um destacado empresário espanhol com mais de duas décadas de experiência no setor varejista, especializado em transformação digital, omnicanalidade e novos modelos de negócios. Atualmente, ocupa o cargo de Presidente Executivo da Wow Concept, uma empresa inovadora no setor varejista que busca redefinir a experiência de compra por meio da integração de tecnologia e um enfoque centrado no cliente.
Desde janeiro de 2019, também lidera a KAPITA, uma empresa que fundou e onde atua como CEO. A KAPITA foca em investimentos estratégicos e no desenvolvimento de startups que impulsionam a inovação no comércio e na tecnologia digital.
Entre janeiro de 2009 e março de 2021, foi membro do Patronato da Fundação Ramón Areces, uma entidade dedicada ao fomento da ciência e educação na Espanha. Seu papel nesta fundação reflete seu compromisso com o avanço do conhecimento e da inovação.
É talvez mais conhecido por seu cargo de Presidente do El Corte Inglés, função que ocupou de setembro de 2014 até junho de 2018. Durante sua presidência, supervisionou uma era de expansão e consolidação significativa para a empresa, que é líder na Espanha e na Europa no setor varejista. Sob sua liderança, El Corte Inglés alcançou uma faturação de 16.000 milhões de euros, operando 35 centros comerciais na Espanha e Portugal e empregando mais de 92.000 pessoas.
Além disso, de maio de 2006 a setembro de 2008, Dimas foi Diretor do centro El Corte Inglés em Porto, Portugal, onde gerenciou operações chave e contribuiu para o crescimento e expansão da empresa no mercado português.
A carreira de Dimas Gimeno Álvarez se destaca por seu enfoque estratégico na integração de novas tecnologias no varejo, sua habilidade para liderar grandes equipes e sua visão para antecipar e se adaptar às dinâmicas do mercado global.
Dimas Gimeno Álvarez is a prominent Spanish entrepreneur with over two decades of experience in the retail sector, specializing in digital transformation, omnichannel strategies, and new business models. He currently serves as the Executive Chairman of Wow Concept, an innovative retail company aiming to redefine the shopping experience through technology integration and a customer-centric approach.
Since January 2019, he has also led KAPITA, a company he founded where he serves as CEO. KAPITA focuses on strategic investments and the development of startups driving innovation in commerce and digital technology.
Between January 2009 and March 2021, he was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Ramón Areces Foundation, an entity dedicated to promoting science and education in Spain. His role in this foundation reflects his commitment to advancing knowledge and innovation.
He is perhaps best known for his role as President of El Corte Inglés, a position he held from September 2014 to June 2018. During his presidency, he oversaw a significant era of expansion and consolidation for the company, which is a leader in Spain and Europe in the retail sector. Under his leadership, El Corte Inglés achieved a revenue of 16 billion euros, operating 35 shopping centers in Spain and Portugal and employing over 92,000 people.
Additionally, from May 2006 to September 2008, Dimas served as Director of the El Corte Inglés center in Porto, Portugal, where he managed key operations and contributed to the company’s growth and expansion in the Portuguese market.
Dimas Gimeno Álvarez’s career stands out for his strategic focus on integrating new technologies into retail, his ability to lead large teams, and his vision to anticipate and adapt to the changing dynamics of the global market.
Osvaldo Giménez is a high-level executive with more than two decades of experience leading strategic initiatives in technology and digital financial services in Latin America. Since 2020, he has served as President of the Fintech division of, driving the expansion and consolidation of the company’s financial and payment solutions in the region.
Before taking on his current role, he held various leadership positions at Mercado Pago, the financial arm of MercadoLibre. He served as Executive Vice President, Senior Vice President, and Vice President. During this time, he led the development and growth of Mercado Pago, transforming it into one of the most important payment platforms in Latin America.
Prior to his career at Mercado Pago, he was Country Manager for Argentina and Chile at until 2004, leading operations in both countries and contributing to the company’s establishment and early expansion.
His strategic vision, leadership, and deep understanding of the digital market have been fundamental to the success and positioning of MercadoLibre as a leader in technology and financial services in the region. Osvaldo Giménez is recognized for his ability to innovate and lead high-performance teams in a dynamic and competitive environment.
Osvaldo Giménez é um executivo de alto nível com mais de duas décadas de experiência liderando iniciativas estratégicas no campo da tecnologia e dos serviços financeiros digitais na América Latina. Desde 2020, ocupa o cargo de Presidente da divisão Fintech do, onde impulsiona a expansão e consolidação das soluções financeiras e de pagamento da empresa na região.
Antes de assumir seu cargo atual, desempenhou diversas funções de liderança no Mercado Pago, o braço financeiro do MercadoLibre. Foi Executive Vice President, Senior Vice President e Vice President. Durante esse período, liderou o desenvolvimento e crescimento do Mercado Pago, transformando-o em uma das plataformas de pagamento mais importantes da América Latina.
Antes de sua trajetória no Mercado Pago, foi Country Manager para Argentina e Chile no até 2004, liderando as operações nos dois países e contribuindo para o estabelecimento e expansão da empresa em suas fases iniciais.
Sua visão estratégica, liderança e profundo conhecimento do mercado digital foram fundamentais para o sucesso e posicionamento do MercadoLibre como líder em tecnologia e serviços financeiros na região. Osvaldo Giménez é reconhecido por sua capacidade de inovar e liderar equipes de alto desempenho em um ambiente dinâmico e competitivo.
Osvaldo Giménez es un ejecutivo de alto nivel con más de dos décadas de experiencia liderando iniciativas estratégicas en el ámbito de la tecnología y los servicios financieros digitales en América Latina. Desde el 2020, ocupa el cargo de Presidente de la división Fintech de, donde impulsa la expansión y consolidación de las soluciones financieras y de pago de la compañía en la región.
Antes de asumir su rol actual, desempeñó diversos cargos de liderazgo en Mercado Pago, el brazo financiero de MercadoLibre. Fue Executive Vice President, Senior Vice President y Vice President. Durante este tiempo, lideró el desarrollo y crecimiento de Mercado Pago, transformándolo en una de las plataformas de pagos más importantes de América Latina.
Previo a su trayectoria en Mercado Pago, fue Country Manager para Argentina y Chile en hasta el 2004, liderando las operaciones en ambos países y contribuyendo al establecimiento y expansión de la empresa en sus etapas iniciales.
Su visión estratégica, liderazgo y profundo conocimiento del mercado digital han sido fundamentales para el éxito y posicionamiento de MercadoLibre como líder en tecnología y servicios financieros en la región. Osvaldo Giménez es reconocido por su capacidad para innovar y liderar equipos de alto rendimiento en un entorno dinámico y competitivo.
Ricardo Alonso é um profissional com mais de 25 anos de experiência na indústria de varejo e comércio eletrônico. Empreendedor e inovador, possui uma trajetória destacada na formulação de estratégias e gestão de processos em lojas de departamentos, operações de lojas, shoppings, comércio eletrônico e marketplaces. Ao longo de sua carreira, gerenciou com sucesso a dinâmica complexa do varejo omnicanal, equilibrando sinergias e promovendo um crescimento agressivo. Sua visão do e-business tem sido reconhecida no setor, sendo pioneiro na adoção e desenvolvimento de inovações, além de ser um líder impulsionador de iniciativas regionais no ecossistema digital da América Latina.
Atualmente, é sócio da The Blue Commerce Consulting & Partners, uma consultoria boutique especializada em varejo, com operações na Europa e América Latina. Lá, contribui com sua vasta experiência para oferecer soluções estratégicas a diversas empresas do setor.
Desde janeiro de 2023, é membro do conselho da Fridom, fornecendo orientação estratégica e apoio na tomada de decisões-chave, aproveitando sua ampla experiência no comércio eletrônico e no varejo.
Em seu cargo como conselheiro na Câmara de Comércio de Santiago, colabora na definição de políticas e estratégias para fortalecer o comércio em Santiago, trazendo seu conhecimento em inovação e transformação digital.
Além disso, é fundador e investidor da Casaplanta Chile, onde aplica seu foco empreendedor para impulsionar o crescimento e desenvolvimento da empresa no setor de horticultura e design de interiores.
Como Vice-presidente Executivo de Marketplace no Falabella Group, liderou a estratégia e operação de um dos maiores marketplaces da América Latina, alcançando significativos avanços na integração omnicanal e no crescimento do comércio digital.
Ricardo Alonso se destaca por seu compromisso com a excelência e sua capacidade de impulsionar mudanças significativas nas organizações com as quais colabora, sempre focado no crescimento sustentável e na inovação contínua.
Ricardo Alonso is a professional with over 25 years of experience in the retail and e-commerce industry. An entrepreneur and innovator, he has an outstanding track record in formulating strategies and managing processes in department stores, store operations, shopping malls, e-commerce, and marketplaces. Throughout his career, he has successfully managed the complex dynamics of omnichannel retail, balancing synergies and promoting aggressive growth. His vision of e-business has been recognized in the sector, being a pioneer in adopting and developing innovations, and a leading driver of regional initiatives in the digital ecosystem of Latin America.
Currently, he is a partner at The Blue Commerce Consulting & Partners, a boutique consulting firm specializing in retail, with operations in Europe and Latin America. Here, he contributes his extensive experience in the industry to provide strategic solutions to various companies in the sector.
Since January 2023, he has been a board member at Fridom. He provides strategic guidance and support in key decision-making, leveraging his extensive experience in e-commerce and retail.
In his advisory role at the Santiago Chamber of Commerce, he collaborates in defining policies and strategies to strengthen commerce in Santiago, contributing his knowledge in innovation and digital transformation.
He is also the founder and investor of Casaplanta Chile, where he applies his entrepreneurial approach to drive the growth and development of this company in the horticulture and interior design sector.
As Executive Vice President of Marketplace at Falabella Group, he led the strategy and operation of one of the largest marketplaces in Latin America, achieving significant progress in omnichannel integration and digital commerce growth.
Ricardo Alonso is known for his commitment to excellence and his ability to drive significant changes in the organizations he collaborates with, always focused on sustainable growth and continuous innovation.
Ricardo Alonso es un profesional con más de 25 años de experiencia en la industria del retail y comercio electrónico. Emprendedor e innovador, posee una destacada trayectoria en la formulación de estrategias y gestión de procesos en tiendas por departamentos, operaciones de tiendas, centros comerciales, comercio electrónico y marketplaces. A lo largo de su carrera, ha gestionado con éxito la compleja dinámica del retail omnicanal, equilibrando sinergias y promoviendo un crecimiento agresivo. Su visión del e-business ha sido reconocida en el sector, siendo pionero en la adopción y desarrollo de innovaciones, y un líder impulsor de iniciativas regionales en el ecosistema digital de Latinoamérica.
Actualmente, es socio de The Blue Commerce Consulting & Partners, una consultora boutique especializada en retail, con operaciones en Europa y Latinoamérica. Aquí, contribuye con su vasta experiencia en la industria para ofrecer soluciones estratégicas a diversas empresas del sector.
Desde enero de 2023 es miembro del consejo de Fridom. Proporciona orientación estratégica y apoyo en la toma de decisiones clave, aprovechando su amplia experiencia en el comercio electrónico y el retail.
En su rol de consejero en la Cámara de Comercio de Santiago, colabora en la definición de políticas y estrategias para fortalecer el comercio en Santiago, aportando su conocimiento en innovación y transformación digital.
Además es fundador e inversor de Casaplanta Chile, donde aplica su enfoque emprendedor para impulsar el crecimiento y desarrollo de esta empresa en el sector de la horticultura y el diseño de interiores.
En su cargo de Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de Marketplace en Falabella Group, lideró la estrategia y operación de uno de los marketplaces más grandes de Latinoamérica, logrando significativos avances en la integración omnicanal y el crecimiento del comercio digital.
Ricardo Alonso se destaca por su compromiso con la excelencia y su capacidad para impulsar cambios significativos en las organizaciones con las que colabora, siempre enfocado en el crecimiento sostenible y la innovación continua.
Roby Cibrián é apaixonado por inteligência de negócios na web, e sua empresa está 100% focada em gerar a melhor solução para melhorar as taxas de conversão de clientes e automatizar os processos de geração de conteúdo.
É arquiteto, mas seu amor pela tecnologia, e principalmente por computadores, o levou a fundar a Braindw, uma empresa completamente dedicada ao desenvolvimento de uma plataforma que resolve esses problemas.
Como empreendedor digital, fundou a Cibrián Campoy Creativos (CCC) e produziu grandes aplicativos multimídia para empresas como Impsat, Pfizer, Telefe, Banelco e Visa, entre outras.
Em sua faceta de empreendedor na Internet, fundou o El Sitio (, um dos portais líderes na América Latina e a única empresa de Internet com sede na América Latina que foi listada nos mercados tecnológicos dos EUA, NASDAQ, com o ticker LCTO.
Criou o ESDC, El Sitio Digital Channel (atualmente, o primeiro portal multimídia da América Latina que incluía comunidades 3D e vídeo digital.
Fundou a CCD2 (Cibrián Campoy Digital), uma empresa focada em serviços de alta tecnologia para a Internet. Os principais produtos incluem comércio eletrônico, e-learning, sistemas de gerenciamento de conteúdo (CMS), videoportais para a web e aplicativos de mineração de dados.
Atualmente, sua empresa, New Digital Way, desenvolveu todas as habilidades para criar e desenvolver uma plataforma de inteligência online em tempo real, chamada Braindw.
Roby Cibrián is passionate about web business intelligence, and his company is 100% focused on providing the best solution to improve customer conversion rates and automate content generation processes.
He is an architect, but his love for technology, especially computers, led him to found Braindw, a company fully dedicated to developing a platform that solves these problems.
As a digital entrepreneur, he founded Cibrián Campoy Creativos (CCC) and produced major multimedia applications for companies like Impsat, Pfizer, Telefe, Banelco, and Visa, among others.
In his internet entrepreneurial role, he founded El Sitio (, one of the leading portals in Latin America and the only internet company based in Latin America to go public on U.S. tech markets, NASDAQ, with the ticker LCTO.
He created ESDC, El Sitio Digital Channel (now, the first multimedia portal in Latin America to include 3D communities and digital video.
He founded CCD2 (Cibrián Campoy Digital), a company focused on high-tech services for the internet. Its main products include e-commerce, e-learning, content management systems (CMS), video portals for the web, and data mining applications.
Currently, his company, New Digital Way, has developed all the skills necessary to create and develop a real-time online intelligence platform called Braindw.
Roby Cibrián es un apasionado de la inteligencia de negocios en la web, y su empresa está 100% enfocada en generar la mejor solución para mejorar las tasas de conversión de clientes y automatizar los procesos de generación de contenido.
Es arquitecto, pero su amor por la tecnología, y principalmente por las computadoras, lo llevó a fundar Braindw, una empresa completamente dedicada al desarrollo de una plataforma que soluciona estos problemas.
Como emprendedor digital, fundó Cibrián Campoy Creativos (CCC) y produjo grandes aplicaciones multimedia para empresas como Impsat, Pfizer, Telefe, Banelco y Visa, entre otras.
En su faceta de emprendedor en Internet, fundó El Sitio (, uno de los portales líderes en América Latina y la única empresa de Internet con base en Latinoamérica que salió a bolsa en los mercados tecnológicos de EE.UU., NASDAQ, con el ticker LCTO.
Creó ESDC, El Sitio Digital Channel (hoy, el primer portal multimedia en Latinoamérica que incluía comunidades 3D y video digital.
Fundó CCD2 (Cibrián Campoy Digital), una empresa enfocada en servicios de alta tecnología para Internet. Los productos principales incluyen comercio electrónico, e-learning, sistemas de gestión de contenidos (CMS), videoportales para la web y aplicaciones de minería de datos.
Actualmente, su empresa, New Digital Way, ha desarrollado todas las habilidades para llevar a cabo la creación y desarrollo de una plataforma de inteligencia en línea en tiempo real, llamada Braindw.
Hernán Kazah é um destacado empresário e líder no mundo da tecnologia e do empreendedorismo. Atualmente, ocupa o cargo de Co-Fundador e Sócio Diretor na KASZEK, uma das firmas de capital de risco mais influentes da América Latina. Nesse cargo, tem sido fundamental na identificação e apoio de startups inovadoras na região, contribuindo para o crescimento e desenvolvimento do ecossistema empreendedor.
Antes de seu cargo atual, co-fundou, uma das empresas de tecnologia mais importantes da América Latina. De março de 2009 a junho de 2011, ocupou o cargo de Diretor Financeiro (CFO), onde supervisionou as finanças da empresa durante um período de expansão significativa. Anteriormente, foi Diretor de Operações (COO), desempenhando um papel crucial no estabelecimento e escalonamento da plataforma de comércio eletrônico.
Sua carreira no setor empresarial começou na Procter & Gamble, onde trabalhou como Gerente de Marca desde 1994. Nessa posição, desenvolveu habilidades em marketing e gestão de marcas que mais tarde aplicaria em sua bem-sucedida trajetória no mundo do empreendedorismo e da tecnologia.
Ao longo de sua carreira, Hernán Kazah tem demonstrado uma visão estratégica e uma capacidade excepcional para liderar equipes e construir empresas inovadoras que geram um impacto significativo no mercado latino-americano.
Hernán Kazah is a prominent entrepreneur and leader in the world of technology and entrepreneurship. He is currently a Co-Founder and Managing Partner at KASZEK, one of the most influential venture capital firms in Latin America. In this role, he has been instrumental in identifying and supporting innovative startups in the region, contributing to the growth and development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Before his current role, he co-founded, one of the most important technology companies in Latin America. From March 2009 to June 2011, he served as Chief Financial Officer (CFO), overseeing the company’s finances during a period of significant expansion. Previously, he was Chief Operating Officer (COO), playing a crucial role in establishing and scaling the e-commerce platform.
His career in the business sector began at Procter & Gamble, where he worked as a Brand Manager starting in 1994. In this position, he developed skills in marketing and brand management that he later applied in his successful journey in entrepreneurship and technology.
Throughout his career, Hernán Kazah has demonstrated strategic vision and exceptional ability to lead teams and build innovative companies that create a significant impact in the Latin American market.
Hernán Kazah es un destacado empresario y líder en el mundo de la tecnología y el emprendimiento. Actualmente, se desempeña como Co-Fundador y Socio Director en KASZEK, una de las firmas de capital de riesgo más influyentes de América Latina. En este rol, ha sido clave en la identificación y apoyo de startups innovadoras en la región, contribuyendo al crecimiento y desarrollo del ecosistema emprendedor.
Antes de su rol actual, co-fundó, una de las compañías de tecnología más importantes de América Latina. De marzo de 2009 a junio de 2011, ocupó el cargo de Director Financiero (CFO), donde supervisó las finanzas de la empresa durante un periodo de expansión significativa. Previamente, fue Director de Operaciones (COO), desempeñando un papel crucial en el establecimiento y escalamiento de la plataforma de comercio electrónico.
Su carrera en el sector empresarial comenzó en Procter & Gamble, donde trabajó como Gerente de Marca desde 1994. En esta posición, desarrolló habilidades en marketing y gestión de marcas que más tarde aplicaría en su exitoso recorrido en el mundo del emprendimiento y la tecnología.
A lo largo de su carrera, Hernán Kazah ha demostrado una visión estratégica y una capacidad excepcional para liderar equipos y construir empresas innovadoras que generan un impacto significativo en el mercado latinoamericano.
Guillermo Varela es un destacado profesional en la economía digital con una profunda especialización en biotecnología, inteligencia artificial, y el análisis, diseño, programación e implementación de aplicaciones móviles. Ha desarrollado una notable carrera, enfocándose en la transformación digital y la integración de soluciones de medios de pago electrónicos, procesos de evolución digital y validación de identidad.
Desde febrero de 2018, ha ejercido como Presidente de la Cámara de la Economía Digital del Uruguay (CEDU), liderando la entidad en la promoción y desarrollo de la economía digital en Uruguay. Bajo su liderazgo, la CEDU ha sido un actor clave en la creación de políticas que favorecen la innovación y la digitalización de la economía uruguaya.
Anteriormente, fue Director en Plexo, donde jugó un papel crucial en fortalecer la infraestructura tecnológica para transacciones digitales entre empresas y usuarios, consolidando a Plexo como un socio IT esencial en diferentes industrias.
Como CEO de HandSoft S.A. desde agosto de 2001, dirigió la empresa hacia el liderazgo en el mercado de software, especialmente en soluciones móviles y plataformas de biotecnología aplicada. Bajo su gestión, HandSoft S.A. expandió su alcance global y se convirtió en un pionero en la adopción de tecnologías emergentes.
En octubre de 2012, Guillermo fundó Yamp!, una empresa dedicada a la creación de soluciones digitales innovadoras, la cual lideró hasta diciembre de 2017. Yamp! se destacó por su enfoque en la integración de tecnologías de inteligencia artificial en aplicaciones móviles destinadas al consumo masivo.
De enero de 2008 a marzo de 2014, ocupó el cargo de Director en Micropagos, donde implementó avanzadas soluciones de procesamiento de pagos electrónicos y desempeñó un papel clave en la transformación digital del sector de transacciones financieras.
La trayectoria de Guillermo Varela demuestra un compromiso continuo con la innovación y la aplicación de tecnología avanzada en el desarrollo empresarial y económico. Su liderazgo y visión han sido fundamentales en la adaptación y evolución de las industrias hacia la digitalización en Uruguay y más allá.
Com mais de 24 anos imerso em Disrupções Digitais, Guido Grinbaum é especializado em fundar e transformar startups em empresas prósperas, estabelecendo equipes autônomas e processos internos que vão além dos fundadores. Com uma década de experiência em Marketing na Unilever e Pepsico, fundou e contribuiu para várias startups impactantes, consolidando-se como um empreendedor serial e um referência no ecossistema de startups.
É um empreendedor serial fundador de 16 Start-Ups bem-sucedidas:
Guido investiu como Angel Investor em várias startups durante os últimos 22 anos e participa como Limited Partner em muitos dos fundos de capital de risco mais reconhecidos.
Atualmente, lidera o POK Proof of Knowledge, uma iniciativa focada na validação e certificação de conhecimentos, fomentando o desenvolvimento profissional e acadêmico.
Na CERTVA, trabalha na criação de soluções avançadas em verificação e autenticação, enfrentando desafios críticos em segurança digital.
A BlockAcademy é uma plataforma dedicada à educação e capacitação em tecnologias blockchain. Guido dirige as estratégias e o crescimento dessa academia inovadora.
O YOPLabs, cofundado por ele, foca no desenvolvimento de aplicativos e soluções tecnológicas avançadas, financiadas por reconhecidos fundos de investimento.
Como Managing Partner do Wabi Project na Amelay, supervisiona as operações dessa iniciativa global, que está integrada no Sistema Coca-Cola e opera em 24 países.
Guido Grinbaum tem demonstrado repetidamente sua capacidade de impulsionar a inovação e criar legados digitais duradouros. Sua participação ativa nessas empresas destaca seu compromisso com a transformação digital e o empreendedorismo.
With more than 24 years immersed in Digital Disruptions, Guido Grinbaum specializes in founding and transforming startups into successful companies, establishing autonomous teams and internal processes that go beyond the founders. With a decade of marketing experience at Unilever and Pepsico, he has founded and contributed to several impactful startups, consolidating himself as a serial entrepreneur and a reference in the startup ecosystem.
He is a serial entrepreneur and founder of 16 successful Start-Ups:
Guido has invested as an Angel Investor in several startups over the past 22 years and is a Limited Partner in many of the most recognized venture capital funds.
He currently leads POK Proof of Knowledge, an initiative focused on the validation and certification of knowledge, fostering professional and academic development.
At CERTVA, he works on creating advanced solutions in verification and authentication, addressing critical challenges in digital security.
BlockAcademy is a platform dedicated to education and training in blockchain technologies. He directs the strategies and growth of this innovative academy.
YOPLabs, co-founded by him, focuses on the development of advanced applications and technological solutions, funded by recognized investment funds.
As Managing Partner of the Wabi Project at Amelay, he oversees the operations of this global initiative, which is integrated into the Coca-Cola System and operates in 24 countries.
Guido Grinbaum has repeatedly demonstrated his ability to drive innovation and create lasting digital legacies. His active involvement in these companies highlights his commitment to digital transformation and entrepreneurship.
Con más de 24 años inmerso en Disrupciones Digitales, Guido Grinbaum se especializa en fundar y transformar startups en empresas prósperas, estableciendo equipos autónomos y procesos internos que van más allá de los fundadores. Con una década de experiencia en Marketing en Unilever y Pepsico, ha fundado y contribuido a varias startups impactantes, consolidándose como un emprendedor serial y un referente en el ecosistema de startups.
Es un emprendedor serial fundador de 16 exitosos Start-Ups:
Guido ha invertido como Ángel Inverstor en varias startups durante los últimos 22 años y participa como Limited Partner en muchos de los fondos de capital de riesgo más reconocidos.
Actualmente lidera POK Proof of Knowledge, una iniciativa centrada en la validación y certificación de conocimientos, fomentando el desarrollo profesional y académico.
En CERTVA, trabaja en la creación de soluciones avanzadas en verificación y autenticación, abordando desafíos críticos en seguridad digital.
BlockAcademy es una plataforma dedicada a la educación y capacitación en tecnologías blockchain. Dirige las estrategias y el crecimiento de esta innovadora academia.
YOPLabs, cofundada por él, se centra en el desarrollo de aplicaciones y soluciones tecnológicas avanzadas, financiada por reconocidos fondos de inversión.
Como Managing Partner del Wabi Project en Amelay, supervisa las operaciones de esta iniciativa global, que está integrada en el Sistema Coca-Cola y opera en 24 países.
Guido Grinbaum ha demostrado una y otra vez su capacidad para impulsar la innovación y crear legados digitales perdurables. Su participación activa en estas empresas subraya su compromiso con la transformación digital y el emprendimiento.
Gloria Canales é uma executiva destacada com uma ampla trajetória em liderança digital, marketing e gestão de categorias em grandes corporações e startups. Sua carreira abrange mais de uma década, durante a qual demonstrou habilidades excepcionais em transformação digital, desenvolvimento de estratégias de marketing e gestão de negócios.
Desde março de 2022, ela atua como Chief Digital Officer na Coppel. Nesse cargo, lidera a transformação digital da empresa, desenvolvendo e implementando estratégias digitais inovadoras que melhoraram significativamente a experiência do cliente e otimizaram as operações internas. Sua liderança foi fundamental para posicionar a Coppel como referência no uso de tecnologias digitais no setor de varejo.
Entre março de 2020 e fevereiro de 2022, foi responsável pelas estratégias de marketing e pelo programa Prime na Amazon. Durante sua gestão, impulsionou campanhas de marketing de sucesso e aprimorou a proposta de valor do programa Prime, alcançando um aumento significativo na adesão e na satisfação do cliente.
Na Amazon, também atuou como Gerente Geral e Líder de Categoria para o negócio de Softlines (Moda) de agosto de 2016 até março de 2020. Nesse cargo, foi responsável pela estratégia e execução de iniciativas de crescimento para a categoria de moda, o que resultou em um aumento notável nas vendas e na expansão do portfólio de produtos.
Antes disso, foi Gerente Geral e Líder de Categoria para o negócio de mídia e novos projetos na Amazon. Sua liderança nesse cargo foi crucial para a expansão da categoria de mídia e a implementação de novos projetos que ampliaram a oferta da Amazon no mercado.
Anteriormente, co-fundou a Dafiti, uma das principais lojas online de moda na América Latina. Como Diretora Geral, liderou a estratégia de lançamento e expansão da empresa, estabelecendo a Dafiti como um dos principais players no e-commerce de moda na região.
Gloria Canales é reconhecida por sua capacidade de liderar equipes multifuncionais, impulsionar a inovação e desenvolver estratégias que geram crescimento sustentável. Sua experiência em grandes corporações e startups lhe conferiu uma perspectiva única e valiosa na gestão de negócios digitais e de e-commerce.
Gloria Canales is a prominent executive with extensive experience in digital leadership, marketing, and category management in large corporations and startups. Her career spans over a decade, during which she has demonstrated exceptional skills in digital transformation, marketing strategy development, and business management.
Since March 2022, she has served as Chief Digital Officer at Coppel. In this role, she leads the company’s digital transformation, developing and implementing innovative digital strategies that have significantly improved customer experience and optimized internal operations. Her leadership has been key in positioning Coppel as a reference in digital technology usage in the retail sector.
Between March 2020 and February 2022, she was responsible for marketing strategies and the Prime program at Amazon. During her tenure, she drove successful marketing campaigns and enhanced the Prime program’s value proposition, resulting in a significant increase in membership and customer satisfaction.
At Amazon, she also served as General Manager and Category Leader for the Softlines (Fashion) business from August 2016 to March 2020. In this role, she was responsible for the strategy and execution of growth initiatives for the fashion category, leading to a notable increase in sales and the expansion of the product portfolio.
Prior to this, she was General Manager and Category Leader for the media business and new projects at Amazon. Her leadership in this role was crucial to the expansion of the media category and the implementation of new projects that broadened Amazon’s offering in the market.
Earlier, she co-founded Dafiti, one of the leading online fashion stores in Latin America. As General Director, she led the company’s launch and expansion strategy, establishing Dafiti as a key player in the fashion e-commerce sector in the region.
Gloria Canales is recognized for her ability to lead multifunctional teams, drive innovation, and develop strategies that generate sustainable growth. Her experience in both large corporations and startups has given her a unique and valuable perspective on managing digital businesses and e-commerce.
Gloria Canales es una ejecutiva destacada con una amplia trayectoria en liderazgo digital, marketing y gestión de categorías en grandes corporaciones y startups. Su carrera abarca más de una década, durante la cual ha demostrado habilidades excepcionales en la transformación digital, el desarrollo de estrategias de marketing y la gestión de negocios.
Desde marzo de 2022, se desempeña como Chief Digital Officer en Coppel. En este rol, lidera la transformación digital de la compañía, desarrollando e implementando estrategias digitales innovadoras que han mejorado significativamente la experiencia del cliente y optimizado las operaciones internas. Su liderazgo ha sido clave para posicionar a Coppel como un referente en el uso de tecnologías digitales en el sector retail.
Entre marzo de 2020 y febrero de 2022, fue la responsable de las estrategias de marketing y del programa Prime en Amazon. Durante su gestión, impulsó campañas de marketing exitosas y mejoró la propuesta de valor del programa Prime, logrando un aumento significativo en la membresía y en la satisfacción del cliente.
En Amazon, también se desempeñó como Gerente General y Líder de Categoría para el negocio de Softlines (Moda) desde agosto de 2016 hasta marzo de 2020. En este rol, fue responsable de la estrategia y la ejecución de iniciativas de crecimiento para la categoría de moda, lo que resultó en un incremento notable en ventas y en la expansión del portafolio de productos.
Previo a este rol, fue Gerente General y Líder de Categoría para el negocio de medios y nuevos proyectos en Amazon. Su liderazgo en este rol fue crucial para la expansión de la categoría de medios y la implementación de nuevos proyectos que ampliaron la oferta de Amazon en el mercado.
Anteriormente, co-fundó Dafiti, una de las principales tiendas online de moda en América Latina. Como Directora General, lideró la estrategia de lanzamiento y expansión de la empresa, estableciendo a Dafiti como un jugador clave en el e-commerce de moda en la región.
Gloria Canales es reconocida por su capacidad para liderar equipos multifuncionales, impulsar la innovación y desarrollar estrategias que generan crecimiento sostenible. Su experiencia en grandes corporaciones y startups le ha brindado una perspectiva única y valiosa en el manejo de negocios digitales y de comercio electrónico.
Germán Quiroga é um experiente membro do conselho em diversas empresas de destaque na América Latina, com um foco particular em tecnologia da informação, marketing e comércio eletrônico. Desde agosto de 2016, tem sido membro do conselho da GOAL Líneas Aéreas Inteligentes, uma companhia destacada na implementação de soluções inteligentes para a aviação.
Em março de 2017, ele se juntou ao conselho da Cobasi, trazendo sua experiência em estratégias digitais para fortalecer a presença online dessa cadeia líder de produtos para animais de estimação. Desde dezembro de 2017, ele também faz parte do conselho da CENTAURO, o maior varejista de artigos esportivos no Brasil, onde desempenhou um papel fundamental na integração de novas tecnologias para melhorar a experiência do consumidor.
Em junho de 2019, se integrou ao conselho da Kalunga S.A., uma empresa proeminente no fornecimento de materiais de escritório e papelaria no Brasil, onde promoveu a transformação digital e a expansão do e-commerce. Mais recentemente, em abril de 2023, Germán foi nomeado membro do conselho da Falabella Retail, uma das maiores empresas de varejo na América Latina, onde seu interesse em marketing e comércio eletrônico está alinhado com a visão de expansão digital da empresa.
Germán Quiroga é reconhecido por sua habilidade em integrar soluções tecnológicas inovadoras em modelos de negócios tradicionais, melhorando a eficiência operacional e a experiência do cliente em diversos setores.
Germán Quiroga is an experienced board member in several prominent companies across Latin America, with a particular focus on information technology, marketing, and e-commerce. Since August 2016, he has been a board member at GOAL Líneas Aéreas Inteligentes, a company known for implementing smart solutions for aviation.
In March 2017, he joined the board of Cobasi, contributing his expertise in digital strategies to strengthen the online presence of this leading pet products chain. Since December 2017, he has also been a board member at CENTAURO, the largest sports retailer in Brazil, where he has played a key role in integrating new technologies to improve consumer experience.
In June 2019, he joined the board of Kalunga S.A., a prominent office supplies and stationery company in Brazil, where he has promoted digital transformation and expanded e-commerce. Most recently, in April 2023, Germán was appointed to the board of Falabella Retail, one of the largest retail companies in Latin America, where his interest in marketing and e-commerce aligns with the company’s digital expansion vision.
Germán Quiroga is recognized for his ability to integrate innovative technological solutions into traditional business models, enhancing operational efficiency and customer experience across multiple sectors.
Germán Quiroga es un experimentado miembro de la junta directiva en diversas empresas destacadas en América Latina, con un enfoque particular en tecnología de la información, marketing y comercio electrónico. Desde agosto de 2016, ha sido miembro de la junta en GOAL Líneas Aéreas Inteligentes, una compañía que se destaca en la implementación de soluciones inteligentes para la aviación.
En marzo de 2017, se unió a la junta de Cobasi, aportando su expertise en estrategias digitales para fortalecer la presencia en línea de esta cadena líder en productos para mascotas. Desde diciembre de 2017, también forma parte de la junta de CENTAURO, el mayor minorista de artículos deportivos en Brasil, donde ha sido clave en la integración de nuevas tecnologías para mejorar la experiencia del consumidor.
En junio de 2019, se integró como miembro de la junta de Kalunga S.A., una empresa prominente en suministros de oficina y papelería en Brasil, donde ha promovido la transformación digital y la expansión del e-commerce. Más recientemente, en abril de 2023, Germán fue nombrado miembro de la junta de Falabella Retail, una de las mayores compañías de retail en América Latina, donde su interés en el marketing y el comercio electrónico está alineado con la visión de expansión digital de la empresa.
Germán Quiroga es reconocido por su capacidad para integrar soluciones tecnológicas innovadoras en modelos de negocio tradicionales, mejorando así la eficiencia operativa y la experiencia del cliente en múltiples sectores.
Com mais de duas décadas à frente da Snoop Consulting, Sergio Candelo tem fomentado a inovação e a transformação digital em diversos ambientes empresariais.
No Conselho Consultivo da CESSI, seu papel sintetiza os conhecimentos da indústria com uma visão estratégica para continuar avançando o setor de software na Argentina. Sua trajetória, desde Presidente até assessor na CESSI, reflete um compromisso com o crescimento e a competitividade da indústria de software. Colaborando com as partes interessadas, ele tem cultivado um ecossistema colaborativo que prospera graças ao conhecimento compartilhado e à liderança progressiva.
Ele tem liderado a Snoop Consulting desde sua fundação, com foco na inovação digital e na transformação tecnológica, consolidando a posição da empresa no mercado.
Em seu papel atual no PMI Buenos Aires, como vice-presidente de finanças, ele supervisiona a gestão financeira, garantindo a estabilidade e o crescimento econômico da organização. Até 2020, como presidente do PMI Buenos Aires, liderou a organização na promoção de boas práticas na gestão de projetos, fortalecendo a comunidade profissional de gestão de projetos na região.
Sergio Candelo é reconhecido por sua liderança visionária, sua capacidade de fomentar a inovação e sua dedicação ao crescimento sustentável e competitivo do setor de software na Argentina.
With over two decades at the helm of Snoop Consulting, Sergio Candelo has fostered innovation and digital transformation in various business environments.
In the Advisory Board of CESSI, his role synthesizes industry knowledge with a strategic vision to continue advancing the software sector in Argentina. His journey from President to advisor at CESSI reflects a commitment to the growth and competitiveness of the software industry. By collaborating with stakeholders, he has cultivated a collaborative ecosystem that thrives on shared knowledge and progressive leadership.
He has led Snoop Consulting since its foundation, focusing on digital innovation and technological transformation, consolidating the company’s position in the market.
In his current role at PMI Buenos Aires, as Vice President of Finance, he oversees financial management, ensuring the stability and economic growth of the organization. Until 2020, as President of PMI Buenos Aires, he led the organization in promoting best practices in project management, strengthening the professional project management community in the region.
Sergio Candelo is recognized for his visionary leadership, his ability to foster innovation, and his dedication to the sustainable and competitive growth of the software sector in Argentina.
Con más de dos décadas al mando de Snoop Consulting, Sergio Candelo ha fomentado la innovación y la transformación digital en diversos entornos empresariales.
En el Consejo Consultivo de CESSI, su rol sintetiza los conocimientos de la industria con una visión estratégica para seguir avanzando el sector del software en Argentina. Su trayectoria desde Presidente hasta asesor en CESSI refleja un compromiso con el crecimiento y la competitividad de la industria del software. Colaborando con las partes interesadas, ha cultivado un ecosistema colaborativo que prospera gracias al conocimiento compartido y al liderazgo progresivo.
Ha liderado Snoop Consulting desde su fundación, enfocándose en la innovación digital y la transformación tecnológica, consolidando la posición de la empresa en el mercado.
En su rol actual en PMI Buenos Aires, como vicepresidente en finanzas, supervisa la gestión financiera, asegurando la estabilidad y el crecimiento económico de la organización. Hasta el 2020, como presidente de PMI Buenos Aires, lideró la organización en la promoción de buenas prácticas en la gestión de proyectos, fortaleciendo la comunidad profesional de la gestión de proyectos en la región.
Sergio Candelo es reconocido por su liderazgo visionario, su capacidad para fomentar la innovación y su dedicación al crecimiento sostenible y competitivo del sector del software en Argentina.
Sergio Grinbaum é um executivo visionário com uma destacada trajetória internacional na liderança de iniciativas de transformação digital e marketing de crescimento. Desde janeiro de 2007, é CEO da Think Thanks, uma consultoria de estratégia digital com presença no México, Equador, Panamá, América Central, Colômbia, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Uruguai, EUA e Espanha. Sob sua direção, a Think Thanks se consolidou como líder no desenvolvimento e implementação de estratégias de transformação digital, especializando-se em SEO, mídias digitais SEM, análise, comunicação, e-commerce, lealdade e recorrência de clientes, além de sustentabilidade.
Ele lidera a equipe do Metaverso na Think Thanks, focando em tecnologias de aceleração para o setor de varejo e transações. Sua experiência no campo digital também é respaldada por parcerias estratégicas como Google Premier Partner e Meta Partner, além de sua experiência em publicidade programática DV 360.
Antes de sua posição atual na Think Thanks, co-fundou e foi Diretor Regional de Operações da de 1999 a 2006, onde desempenhou um papel crucial no estabelecimento da plataforma de e-commerce como uma das mais proeminentes da América Latina.
Além disso, em 2004, co-fundou o Grupo COVEDISA, um empreendimento dedicado à consultoria e desenvolvimento de soluções digitais para empresas. Adicionalmente, em 2001, Sergio co-fundou e trabalhou como consultor na e, onde aplicou seus conhecimentos e habilidades na gestão e assessoria de startups focadas em e-commerce.
A carreira de Sergio Grinbaum se destaca pelo seu profundo conhecimento em estratégia e execução digital, um foco firme em resultados mensuráveis e sustentáveis, e um compromisso com a inovação contínua no campo das novas tecnologias e marketing digital. Sua liderança na Think Thanks e em outras empresas tem impulsionado a transformação digital de diversos clientes, consolidando Sergio como uma referência na indústria de marketing digital e consultoria estratégica globalmente.
Sergio Grinbaum is a visionary executive with an outstanding international career in leading digital transformation and growth marketing initiatives. Since January 2007, he has been the CEO of Think Thanks, a digital strategy consulting firm with a presence in Mexico, Ecuador, Panama, Central America, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, the U.S., and Spain. Under his leadership, Think Thanks has become a leader in the development and implementation of digital transformation strategies, specializing in SEO, SEM digital media, analytics, communication, e-commerce, customer loyalty and recurrence, as well as sustainability.
He leads the Metaverse team at Think Thanks, focusing on acceleration technologies for the retail and transactional sectors. His expertise in the digital field is also backed by strategic partnerships such as Google Premier Partner and Meta Partner, as well as his experience in DV 360 programmatic advertising.
Before his current position at Think Thanks, he co-founded and was the Regional Operations Director at from 1999 to 2006, where he played a crucial role in establishing the e-commerce platform as one of the most prominent in Latin America.
Additionally, in 2004, he co-founded Grupo COVEDISA, an enterprise dedicated to consulting and developing digital solutions for businesses. Furthermore, in 2001, Sergio co-founded and worked as a consultant at and, where he applied his knowledge and skills in managing and advising e-commerce-focused startups.
Sergio Grinbaum’s career stands out for his deep knowledge of digital strategy and execution, a firm focus on measurable and sustainable results, and a commitment to continuous innovation in the field of new technologies and digital marketing. His leadership at Think Thanks and other companies has driven the digital transformation of numerous clients, establishing Sergio as a reference in the digital marketing and strategic consulting industry globally.
Sergio Grinbaum es un visionario ejecutivo con una destacada trayectoria internacional en el liderazgo de iniciativas de transformación digital y marketing de crecimiento. Desde enero de 2007, es el CEO de Think Thanks, una firma consultora de estrategia digital con presencia en México, Ecuador, Panamá, Centroamérica, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Perú, Uruguay, EE.UU., y España. Bajo su dirección, Think Thanks se ha consolidado como un líder en el desarrollo e implementación de estrategias de transformación digital, especializándose en SEO, medios digitales SEM, analítica, comunicación, comercio electrónico, lealtad y recurrencia de clientes, así como sostenibilidad.
Lidera el equipo de Metaverso en Think Thanks, enfocándose en tecnologías de aceleración para el sector retail y transaccional. Su expertise en el campo digital está también respaldado por asociaciones estratégicas como Google Premier Partner y Meta Partner, y su experiencia en publicidad programática DV 360.
Antes de su actual posición en Think Thanks, co-fundó y fue Director Regional de Operaciones de desde 1999 hasta 2006, donde jugó un papel crucial en el establecimiento de la plataforma de comercio electrónico como una de las más prominentes en Latinoamérica.
Además en 2004, co-fundó Grupo COVEDISA, un emprendimiento dedicado a la consultoría y desarrollo de soluciones digitales para empresas. Adicionalmente, en 2001, Sergio co-fundó y trabajó como consultor en y, donde aplicó sus conocimientos y habilidades en la gestión y asesoramiento de startups enfocadas en el comercio electrónico.
La carrera de Sergio Grinbaum destaca por su profundo conocimiento en estrategia y ejecución digital, un enfoque firme en resultados medibles y sostenibles, y un compromiso con la innovación continua en el ámbito de las nuevas tecnologías y el marketing digital. Su liderazgo en Think Thanks y otras empresas ha impulsado la transformación digital de numerosos clientes, estableciendo a Sergio como un referente en la industria del marketing digital y la consultoría estratégica a nivel global.
Francisco De La Roza is an experienced executive with an extensive background in general management and supply chain operations. His career spans over two decades, marked by significant leadership roles in major retail and supply chain companies across Latin America.
He currently serves as General Manager of Supermercados Peruanos S.A., where he oversees the strategic direction and operational management of one of the leading supermarket chains in Peru. Under his leadership, the company has focused on improving customer experience, expanding market presence, and fostering sustainable growth through innovative retail strategies.
At Promart, he led the company as General Manager for nearly nine years. He was instrumental in transforming Promart into a leading player in the home improvement retail sector. His management was characterized by significant improvements in operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and financial performance.
As Supply Chain and Planning Manager at Oechsle, he was responsible for optimizing supply chain processes and improving the company’s planning capabilities. His efforts resulted in more efficient operations and better alignment between supply chain activities and business objectives.
Francisco De La Roza began his career at Ripley Chile, where he served as Planning and Supplier Logistics Manager. During his eleven years at Ripley, he developed and implemented logistics strategies that significantly improved supply chain efficiency and reliability, contributing to the company’s growth and competitiveness in the market.
Francisco De La Roza is known for his leadership qualities, strategic thinking, and ability to drive change and innovation within organizations. He is a results-oriented professional with a passion for continuous improvement and excellence. His collaborative approach and strong communication skills have allowed him to build effective teams and foster a positive corporate culture.
Francisco De La Roza é um executivo experiente com uma ampla trajetória em gestão geral e operações de cadeia de suprimentos. Sua carreira abrange mais de duas décadas, marcada por papéis de liderança significativos em importantes empresas de varejo e cadeia de suprimentos na América Latina.
Atualmente, é Gerente Geral da Supermercados Peruanos S.A., onde supervisiona a direção estratégica e a gestão operacional de uma das principais redes de supermercados no Peru. Sob sua liderança, a empresa tem se concentrado em melhorar a experiência do cliente, expandir sua presença no mercado e promover o crescimento sustentável por meio de estratégias de varejo inovadoras.
Na Promart, liderou a empresa como Gerente Geral por quase nove anos. Foi fundamental na transformação da Promart em um ator destacado no setor de varejo de melhorias para o lar. Sua gestão se destacou por melhorias significativas na eficiência operacional, satisfação do cliente e desempenho financeiro.
Como Gerente de Supply Chain e Planejamento na Oechsle, foi responsável por otimizar os processos da cadeia de suprimentos e melhorar as capacidades de planejamento da empresa. Seus esforços resultaram em operações mais eficientes e uma melhor alinhamento entre as atividades da cadeia de suprimentos e os objetivos comerciais.
A carreira de Francisco De La Roza começou na Ripley Chile, onde atuou como Gerente de Planejamento e Logística de Fornecedores. Durante seus onze anos na Ripley, desenvolveu e implementou estratégias logísticas que melhoraram significativamente a eficiência e confiabilidade da cadeia de suprimentos, contribuindo para o crescimento e competitividade da empresa no mercado.
Francisco De La Roza é conhecido por suas qualidades de liderança, pensamento estratégico e capacidade de impulsionar mudanças e inovação dentro das organizações. É um profissional orientado a resultados com paixão por melhoria contínua e excelência. Seu enfoque colaborativo e suas sólidas habilidades de comunicação permitiram-lhe construir equipes eficazes e fomentar uma cultura corporativa positiva.
Francisco De La Roza es un ejecutivo experimentado con una amplia trayectoria en gestión general y operaciones de cadena de suministro. Su carrera abarca más de dos décadas, marcada por roles de liderazgo significativos en importantes empresas de retail y cadena de suministro en América Latina.
Se desempeña actualmente como Gerente General de Supermercados Peruanos S.A., donde supervisa la dirección estratégica y la gestión operativa de una de las principales cadenas de supermercados en Perú. Bajo su liderazgo, la empresa se ha enfocado en mejorar la experiencia del cliente, expandir la presencia en el mercado y fomentar el crecimiento sostenible a través de estrategias de retail innovadoras.
En Promart lideró la empresa como Gerente General durante casi nueve años. Fue fundamental en la transformación de Promart en un actor destacado en el sector de retail de mejoras para el hogar. Su gestión se caracterizó por mejoras significativas en la eficiencia operativa, la satisfacción del cliente y el rendimiento financiero.
Como Gerente de Supply Chain y Planificación en Oechsle, fue responsable de optimizar los procesos de la cadena de suministro y mejorar las capacidades de planificación de la empresa. Sus esfuerzos resultaron en operaciones más eficientes y una mejor alineación entre las actividades de la cadena de suministro y los objetivos comerciales.
La carrera de Francisco De La Roza comenzó en Ripley Chile, donde se desempeñó como Gerente de Planificación y Logística de Proveedores. Durante sus once años en Ripley, desarrolló e implementó estrategias logísticas que mejoraron significativamente la eficiencia y la confiabilidad de la cadena de suministro, contribuyendo al crecimiento y la competitividad de la empresa en el mercado.
Francisco De La Roza es conocido por sus cualidades de liderazgo, pensamiento estratégico y capacidad para impulsar el cambio y la innovación dentro de las organizaciones. Es un profesional orientado a resultados con una pasión por la mejora continua y la excelencia. Su enfoque colaborativo y sus sólidas habilidades de comunicación le han permitido construir equipos efectivos y fomentar una cultura corporativa positiva.
With more than 7 years of experience in the e-commerce industry, Fabrizio Cascianelli is passionate about helping companies achieve their digital commerce goals and optimize their online sales performance. He has a strong background in business development, strategy, and marketing, along with an MBA from IESE Business School and a double degree in Economics and International Studies from Yale University. He currently leads sales and marketing operations for VTEX Italy, a global leader in composable e-commerce software.
In his current role, he is responsible for overseeing the entire customer acquisition cycle, from managing target lists to negotiating and closing new customers. He also coordinates efforts to develop business with system integrators and independent software vendors (ISVs) to strengthen the local ecosystem. Additionally, he oversees communications and tactical marketing strategy for brand recognition and lead generation.
Previously, until 2016, as an advisor at Torch Works, Inc, he provided strategic consulting in digital commerce and business development, helping the company achieve its growth objectives.
As a partner at Geriba Investimentos, he participated in the management and development of investments, focusing on growth opportunities in the digital sector.
Fabrizio Cascianelli stands out for his extensive experience and passion for e-commerce, combined with a strong academic and professional background. His leadership at VTEX Italy and his ability to develop effective sales and marketing strategies have significantly contributed to the growth and brand recognition in the market.
Com mais de 7 anos de experiência na indústria do comércio eletrônico, Fabrizio Cascianelli é apaixonado por ajudar empresas a alcançar seus objetivos de comércio digital e otimizar seu desempenho em vendas online. Tem uma sólida formação em desenvolvimento de negócios, estratégia e marketing, além de um MBA pela IESE Business School e uma dupla licenciatura em Economia e Estudos Internacionais pela Universidade de Yale. Atualmente, lidera as operações de vendas e marketing da VTEX Itália, uma líder global em software de comércio eletrônico componível.
Em seu papel atual, é responsável por supervisionar todo o ciclo de aquisição de clientes, desde a gestão de listas de objetivos até a negociação e o fechamento de novos clientes. Também coordena os esforços para desenvolver negócios com integradores de sistemas e fornecedores de serviços independentes (ISVs) para fortalecer o ecossistema local. Além disso, supervisiona as comunicações e a estratégia de marketing tático para o reconhecimento da marca e a geração de leads.
Anteriormente, até 2016, como consultor na Torch Works, Inc, prestou assessoria estratégica em comércio digital e desenvolvimento de negócios, ajudando a empresa a alcançar seus objetivos de crescimento.
Como sócio na Geriba Investimentos, participou da gestão e desenvolvimento de investimentos, focando em oportunidades de crescimento no setor digital.
Fabrizio Cascianelli se destaca pela ampla experiência e paixão pelo comércio eletrônico, combinada com uma sólida formação acadêmica e profissional. Sua liderança na VTEX Itália e sua capacidade de desenvolver estratégias eficazes de vendas e marketing contribuíram significativamente para o crescimento e reconhecimento da marca no mercado.
Con más de 7 años de experiencia en la industria del comercio electrónico, Fabrizio Cascianelli es un apasionado de ayudar a las empresas a alcanzar sus objetivos de comercio digital y optimizar su rendimiento en ventas en línea. Tiene una sólida formación en desarrollo de negocios, estrategia y marketing, además de un MBA de IESE Business School y una doble licenciatura en Economía y Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Yale. Actualmente, lidera las operaciones de ventas y marketing para VTEX Italia, un líder global en software de comercio electrónico componible.
En su rol actual, es responsable de supervisar todo el ciclo de adquisición de clientes, desde la gestión de listas de objetivos hasta la negociación y el cierre de nuevos clientes. También coordina los esfuerzos para desarrollar negocios con integradores de sistemas y proveedores de servicios independientes (ISVs) para fortalecer el ecosistema local. Además, supervisa las comunicaciones y la estrategia de marketing táctico para el reconocimiento de la marca y la generación de leads.
Anteriormente, hasta el 2016, como asesor en Torch Works, Inc brindó asesoría estratégica en comercio digital y desarrollo de negocios, ayudando a la empresa a alcanzar sus objetivos de crecimiento.
Y como socio en Geriba Investimentos participó en la gestión y desarrollo de inversiones, enfocándose en oportunidades de crecimiento en el sector digital.
Fabrizio Cascianelli se destaca por su amplia experiencia y pasión en el comercio electrónico, combinada con una sólida formación académica y profesional. Su liderazgo en VTEX Italia y su capacidad para desarrollar estrategias efectivas de ventas y marketing han contribuido significativamente al crecimiento y reconocimiento de la marca en el mercado.
Cristian Serrano is a passionate publicist and eCommerce strategist with extensive experience in 360° marketing (ATL, BTL, Direct, and Digital), business development, and financial management with P&L responsibility. He is known for his customer experience focus, innovative mindset, and entrepreneurial spirit. A results-oriented team player with creative skills and deep expertise in brand communication strategies.
In September 2023, he co-founded Advantage Digital, a company focused on delivering advanced digital solutions. His vision and leadership have been fundamental in establishing the company’s strategic direction and its quick adaptation to the competitive digital market.
Since June 2022, he has led eCommerce and omnichannel operations in the region for Tekmovil. His direct-to-consumer (DTC) approach has optimized the company’s digital presence, significantly improving sales and customer experience across multiple channels.
Additionally, he founded El Checkout in January 2019, a platform that has become a benchmark for analyzing and comparing eCommerce products and services. His leadership has been crucial to the company’s growth and continued success.
As a member of the advisory board of Honi, he brings his expertise in digital marketing strategies and business development, helping the company navigate market challenges and implement innovative initiatives.
As General Manager of eCommerce at Tekmovil, he was responsible for leading eCommerce strategies for the Americas region, achieving significant growth in online sales and improving the company’s omnichannel integration.
Cristian Serrano is an entrepreneur and “out-of-the-box” thinker who has demonstrated his ability to innovate and lead in the dynamic world of eCommerce and digital marketing. His experience and multifaceted skills make him a valuable asset for any organization looking to grow and adapt in today’s digital environment.
Cristian Serrano é um publicitário apaixonado e estrategista de eCommerce com vasta experiência em marketing 360° (ATL, BTL, Direto e Digital), desenvolvimento de negócios e gestão financeira com responsabilidade sobre P&L. É conhecido pelo seu foco na experiência do cliente, sua capacidade de inovação e seu espírito empreendedor. É um “team player” orientado a resultados com habilidades criativas e um profundo conhecimento em estratégias de comunicação de marca.
Em setembro de 2023, co-fundou a Advantage Digital, uma empresa focada em oferecer soluções digitais avançadas. Sua visão e liderança foram fundamentais para estabelecer a direção estratégica da empresa e sua rápida adaptação no competitivo mercado digital.
Desde junho de 2022, lidera as operações de eCommerce e omnicanalidade na região para a Tekmovil. Seu enfoque direto ao consumidor (DTC) otimizou a presença digital da companhia, melhorando significativamente as vendas e a experiência do cliente através de múltiplos canais.
Além disso, fundou o El Checkout em janeiro de 2019, uma plataforma que se tornou um referencial na análise e comparação de produtos e serviços de eCommerce. Sua liderança foi crucial para o crescimento e sucesso contínuo da empresa.
Como membro do conselho consultivo da Honi, traz sua experiência em estratégias de marketing digital e desenvolvimento de negócios, ajudando a empresa a superar os desafios do mercado e implementar iniciativas inovadoras.
Como Gerente Geral de eCommerce na Tekmovil, foi responsável por liderar as estratégias de eCommerce para a região das Américas, alcançando um crescimento significativo nas vendas online e melhorando a integração omnicanal da empresa.
Cristian Serrano é um empreendedor e pensador “out of the box” que demonstrou sua capacidade de inovar e liderar no dinâmico mundo do eCommerce e marketing digital. Sua experiência e habilidades multifacetadas fazem dele um valioso ativo para qualquer organização que busque crescer e se adaptar no ambiente digital atual.
Cristian Serrano es un apasionado publicista y estratega de eCommerce con una amplia experiencia en marketing 360° (ATL, BTL, Directo y Digital), desarrollo de negocios y gestión financiera con responsabilidad sobre P&L. Es conocido por su enfoque en la experiencia del cliente, su capacidad de innovación y su espíritu emprendedor. Es un “team player” orientado a resultados con habilidades creativas y un profundo conocimiento en estrategias de comunicación de marca.
En septiembre de 2023, co-fundó Advantage Digital, una empresa enfocada en ofrecer soluciones digitales avanzadas. Su visión y liderazgo han sido fundamentales para establecer la dirección estratégica de la empresa y su rápida adaptación en el competitivo mercado digital.
Desde junio de 2022, ha liderado las operaciones de eCommerce y omnicanal en la región para Tekmovil. Su enfoque directo al consumidor (DTC) ha optimizado la presencia digital de la compañía, mejorando significativamente las ventas y la experiencia del cliente a través de múltiples canales.
Además, fundó El Checkout en enero de 2019, una plataforma que se ha convertido en un referente en el análisis y comparación de productos y servicios de eCommerce. Su liderazgo ha sido crucial para el crecimiento y el éxito continuo de la empresa.
Como miembro del consejo asesor de Honi, aporta su experiencia en estrategias de marketing digital y desarrollo de negocios, ayudando a la empresa a navegar los desafíos del mercado y a implementar iniciativas innovadoras.
Como Gerente General de eCommerce en Tekmovil, fue responsable de liderar las estrategias de eCommerce para la región de las Américas, logrando un crecimiento significativo en las ventas online y mejorando la integración omnicanal de la empresa.
Cristian Serrano es un emprendedor y pensador “out of the box” que ha demostrado su capacidad para innovar y liderar en el dinámico mundo del eCommerce y el marketing digital. Su experiencia y habilidades multifacéticas lo convierten en un valioso activo para cualquier organización que busque crecer y adaptarse en el entorno digital actual.
Laureano Turienzo Esteban construiu uma carreira impressionante no mundo do varejo. Desde janeiro de 2021, atua como CEO da Retail News Trends, uma plataforma dedicada às últimas tendências do setor de varejo. Paralelamente, desde maio de 2019, é presidente e fundador da Asociación Española del Retail (AER), demonstrando seu compromisso com o avanço e a inovação no varejo na Espanha.
Em maio de 2022, fundou o Círculo Iberoamericano do Varejo (CIR), ampliando sua influência e liderança no setor varejista a nível ibero-americano. Além disso, assumiu o cargo de diretor do Programa MBA Retail na EAE Business School, contribuindo significativamente para a educação e formação de futuros líderes empresariais.
Desde junho de 2021, também colabora com a Forbes Espanha como Senior Contributor em Varejo, oferecendo análises profundas e perspectivas sobre o setor. Laureano é conhecido por sua capacidade de ministrar palestras, workshops e seminários, tanto presenciais quanto virtuais, abordando temas de interesse geral e especializado para diversas audiências, incluindo marcas, instituições e empresas.
Seus serviços também incluem consultoria de longo prazo e elaboração de relatórios detalhados sobre tendências globais e setoriais. Esta consultoria se estende a uma ampla gama de clientes, incluindo instituições, câmaras de comércio e governos, destacando sua habilidade de adaptar e personalizar estratégias e soluções com base nas necessidades específicas de cada cliente.
Laureano Turienzo Esteban has built an impressive career in the retail world. Since January 2021, he has been the CEO of Retail News Trends, a platform dedicated to the latest trends in the retail sector. Simultaneously, since May 2019, he has served as the president and founder of the Spanish Retail Association (AER), demonstrating his commitment to the advancement and innovation in retail in Spain.
In May 2022, he founded the Ibero-American Retail Circle (CIR), expanding his influence and leadership in the retail sector at the Ibero-American level. Additionally, he took on the role of Director of the MBA Retail Program at EAE Business School, contributing significantly to the education and training of future business leaders.
Since June 2021, he has also collaborated with Forbes Spain as a Senior Contributor in Retail, providing in-depth analysis and perspectives on the sector. Laureano is known for his ability to deliver lectures, workshops, and seminars, both in-person and virtual, covering general and specialized topics for diverse audiences, including brands, institutions, and companies.
His services also include long-term consulting and the creation of detailed reports on global and sectorial trends. This consulting extends to a wide range of clients, including institutions, chambers of commerce, and governments, highlighting his ability to adapt and customize strategies and solutions based on the specific needs of each client.
Laureano Turienzo Esteban ha construido una carrera impresionante en el mundo del retail. Desde enero de 2021, ha sido el CEO de Retail News Trends, una plataforma dedicada a las últimas tendencias en el sector retail. Paralelamente, desde mayo de 2019, es el presidente y fundador de la Asociación Española del Retail (AER), mostrando su compromiso con el avance y la innovación en el comercio minorista en España.
En mayo de 2022, fundó el Círculo Iberoamericano del Retail (CIR), expandiendo su influencia y liderazgo en el sector retail a nivel iberoamericano. Además, asumió el rol de director del Programa MBA Retail en EAE Business School, contribuyendo significativamente a la educación y formación de futuros líderes empresariales.
Desde junio de 2021, también ha colaborado con Forbes España como Senior Contributor en Retail, ofreciendo análisis profundos y perspectivas sobre el sector. Laureano es conocido por su capacidad para ofrecer conferencias, talleres y seminarios tanto presenciales como virtuales, abordando temáticas de interés general y especializado para diversas audiencias, incluidas marcas, instituciones y empresas.
Sus servicios también incluyen asesoramiento a largo plazo y la elaboración de informes detallados sobre tendencias globales y sectoriales. Este asesoramiento se extiende a una amplia gama de clientes, incluyendo instituciones, cámaras de comercio y gobiernos, destacando su habilidad para adaptar y personalizar estrategias y soluciones basadas en las necesidades específicas de cada cliente.
Lorena Díaz Quijano is a distinguished speaker, consultant, and mentor specializing in the development of agile and digital talent and leaders. Since September 2010, she has worked as an independent professional, offering her expertise in digital transformation and the development of digital skills through her platform and online courses.
Since December 2022, Lorena has served as a Design Thinking trainer for the MBA program at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), where she teaches practical and theoretical knowledge to future leaders in digital business. Additionally, she has been a member of the Board of Vital Voices since 2009, contributing to the empowerment of women worldwide.
Between August 2017 and October 2023, Lorena was key in the creation and development of the Digital Talent Program at Digital House Coding School, helping companies design and prepare for digital transformation. She also co-founded the Digital Acceleration Program at the eCommerce Institute, where she promoted digital acceleration through education and skills development.
Lorena holds a strong academic background with a degree in Tech Entrepreneurship from Stanford University and Masters in Communication, Psychology, and Coaching. Her experience spans over 20 years in the digital industry, having been a consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and Argentina’s Digital Agenda, as well as for the development of e-commerce in SMEs in Costa Rica.
Previously, she led as Executive Director of the Argentine Chamber of Electronic Commerce (CACE), where she co-organized Ecommerce Day and developed initiatives such as CyberMonday and HotSale in Argentina.
Lorena Díaz Quijano é uma conferencista de destaque, consultora e mentora especializada no desenvolvimento de talentos e líderes ágeis e digitais. Desde setembro de 2010, trabalha como profissional independente, oferecendo sua expertise em transformação digital e desenvolvimento de habilidades digitais por meio de sua plataforma e cursos online.
Desde dezembro de 2022, Lorena atua como trainer de Design Thinking no MBA da Universidade de Buenos Aires (UBA), onde transmite conhecimentos práticos e teóricos para futuros líderes em negócios digitais. Adicionalmente, é membro do Board da Vital Voices desde 2009, contribuindo para o empoderamento de mulheres ao redor do mundo.
Entre agosto de 2017 e outubro de 2023, Lorena foi fundamental na criação e desenvolvimento do Digital Talent Program na Digital House Coding School, ajudando empresas a projetar e se preparar para a transformação digital. Também cofundou o Digital Acceleration Program no eCommerce Institute, onde promoveu a aceleração digital por meio da educação e desenvolvimento de habilidades.
Lorena possui uma sólida formação acadêmica com um título em Tech Entrepreneurship pela Universidade de Stanford e Mestrados em Comunicação, Psicologia e Coaching. Sua experiência se estende por mais de 20 anos na indústria digital, tendo sido consultora para o Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID) e a Agenda Digital da Argentina, além de contribuir para o desenvolvimento do comércio eletrônico nas PMEs da Costa Rica.
Anteriormente, ela atuou como Diretora Executiva da Câmara Argentina de Comércio Eletrônico (CACE), onde coorganizou o Ecommerce Day e desenvolveu iniciativas como o CyberMonday e o HotSale na Argentina.
Lorena Díaz Quijano es una destacada conferencista, consultora y mentora especializada en el desarrollo de talento y líderes ágiles y digitales. Desde septiembre de 2010, trabaja como profesional independiente, ofreciendo su expertise en la transformación digital y el desarrollo de habilidades digitales a través de su plataforma y cursos online.
Desde diciembre de 2022, Lorena se desempeña como trainer de Design Thinking en el MBA de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), donde imparte conocimientos prácticos y teóricos para futuros líderes en negocios digitales. Adicionalmente, es miembro del Board de Vital Voices desde 2009, contribuyendo al empoderamiento de mujeres alrededor del mundo.
Entre agosto de 2017 y octubre de 2023, Lorena fue clave en la creación y desarrollo del Digital Talent Program en Digital House Coding School, ayudando a las empresas a diseñar y prepararse para la transformación digital. También cofundó el Digital Acceleration Program en el eCommerce Institute, donde promovió la aceleración digital a través de la educación y el desarrollo de habilidades.
Lorena posee una sólida formación académica con un título en Tech Entrepreneurship por la Universidad de Stanford y Masters en Comunicación, Psicología y Coaching. Su experiencia se extiende a más de 20 años en la industria digital, habiendo sido consultora para el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) y la Agenda Digital de Argentina, así como para el desarrollo del comercio electrónico en las PYMEs de Costa Rica.
Anteriormente, lideró como Directora Ejecutiva de la Cámara Argentina de Comercio Electrónico (CACE), donde coorganizó el Ecommerce Day y desarrolló iniciativas como el CyberMonday y el HotSale en Argentina.
Pierre-Claude Blaise has 20 years of experience in large companies and start-ups, of which he has dedicated 10 years at the C-level, guiding and promoting organizational transformation to thrive and grow in the digital environment.
He has designed a vision of the future to project change and make it a reality by developing and implementing both offline and online strategies.
Over the past 5 years, he has led the growth of e-commerce in Mexico through various key strategic initiatives, generating more than 12 million new buyers and $2 million USD in sales.
He has international experience with a local focus in Japan, Germany, France, and Mexico, having globally overseen more than 35 countries, leading multifunctional teams of over 30 people and direct teams of up to 20 people.
Pierre-Claude Blaise believes that the new era of digital business we have entered requires vision, initiative, and an open mindset, but also speed and quality in execution.
Pierre-Claude Blaise possui 20 anos de experiência em grandes empresas e start-ups, dos quais 10 anos foram dedicados a cargos de nível C, guiando e promovendo a transformação de organizações para prosperar e se desenvolver no ambiente digital.
Ele projetou uma visão do futuro para impulsionar a mudança e torná-la realidade por meio do desenvolvimento e implementação de uma estratégia tanto offline quanto online.
Nos últimos 5 anos, liderou o crescimento do comércio eletrônico no México através de diferentes iniciativas estratégicas chave, gerando mais de 12 milhões de novos compradores e $2 milhões de USD em vendas.
Possui experiência internacional com enfoque local no Japão, Alemanha, França e México, tendo supervisionado globalmente mais de 35 países, liderando equipes multifuncionais de mais de 30 pessoas e equipes diretas de até 20 pessoas.
Pierre-Claude Blaise acredita que a nova era dos negócios digitais em que entramos exige visão, iniciativa e mentalidade aberta, mas também velocidade e qualidade na execução.
Pierre-Claude Blaise cuenta con 20 años de experiencia en grandes empresas y start-ups, de los cuales ha dedicado 10 años a nivel C, guiando y promoviendo la transformación de organizaciones para prosperar y desarrollarse en el entorno digital.
Ha diseñado una visión del futuro para proyectar el cambio y hacerlo realidad mediante el desarrollo e implementación de una estrategia tanto offline como online.
Durante los últimos 5 años, ha liderado el crecimiento del comercio electrónico en México a través de diferentes iniciativas estratégicas clave, generando más de 12 millones de nuevos compradores y $2 millones USD en ventas.
Posee experiencia internacional con un enfoque local en Japón, Alemania, Francia y México, habiendo supervisado globalmente más de 35 países, liderando equipos multifuncionales de más de 30 personas y equipos directos de hasta 20 personas.
Pierre-Claude Blaise cree que la nueva era del negocio digital en la que hemos entrado requiere visión, iniciativa y mentalidad abierta, pero también velocidad y calidad en la ejecución.
Eric Pérez Grovas é cofundador e sócio diretor da Wollef, um fundo de investimento criado por empreendedores da indústria do comércio eletrônico, dedicado a investir em modelos de negócios baseados em tecnologia. Os investimentos do fundo incluem empresas de destaque como Ben&Frank, Conekta, Jeeves, Kavak, Konfio e Nubank.
Além de seu papel na Wollef, é cofundador e presidente da Associação Mexicana de Venda Online (AMVO), uma organização que promove a economia digital no México. Seu envolvimento com a internet começou em 1999, quando abriu e gerenciou o Mercado Livre México.
Iniciou sua carreira em consultoria de gestão na McKinsey e Bain, onde colaborou em vários projetos de planejamento estratégico para empresas no México, Estados Unidos e América do Sul. Ocupou cargos como CEO, investidor, membro do conselho e consultor em várias empresas de internet. Atualmente, é membro independente do conselho do Walmart e da Fundação CMR.
Eric Pérez Grovas is the co-founder and managing partner of Wollef, an investment fund created by entrepreneurs from the e-commerce industry, dedicated to investing in technology-based business models. The fund’s investments include prominent companies such as Ben&Frank, Conekta, Jeeves, Kavak, Konfio, and Nubank.
In addition to his role at Wollef, he is the co-founder and president of the Mexican Association of Online Sales (AMVO), an organization that promotes the digital economy in Mexico. His involvement in the internet field began in 1999 when he opened and managed Mercado Libre Mexico.
He started his career in management consulting at McKinsey and Bain, where he collaborated on several strategic planning projects for companies in Mexico, the United States, and South America. He has held positions as CEO, investor, board member, and advisor at various internet companies. Currently, he is an independent board member of Walmart and the CMR Foundation.
Eric Pérez Grovas es co-fundador y socio director de Wollef, un fondo de inversión creado por emprendedores de la industria del comercio electrónico, dedicado a invertir en modelos de negocio basados en tecnología. Las inversiones del fondo incluyen empresas destacadas como Ben&Frank, Conekta, Jeeves, Kavak, Konfio y Nubank.
Además de su papel en Wollef, es co-fundador y presidente de la Asociación Mexicana de Venta Online (AMVO), una organización que promueve la economía digital en México. Su involucramiento en el ámbito de internet comenzó en 1999 cuando abrió y gestionó Mercado Libre México.
Inició su carrera en consultoría de gestión en McKinsey y Bain, donde colaboró en varios proyectos de planificación estratégica para empresas en México, Estados Unidos y América del Sur. Ha ocupado cargos como CEO, inversor, miembro de la junta y asesor en varias empresas de internet. Actualmente, es miembro independiente de la junta de Walmart y de la Fundación CMR.
Alberto Ibarra is an experienced Information Technology Director with a solid professional trajectory at C&A México. Throughout his career at C&A, he has held various key positions, showcasing steady progress and effective leadership in multiple roles within the IT department.
Since March 2011, Alberto has been leading as IT Director, overseeing the company’s comprehensive technological operations and establishing strategies that align technology with corporate goals. Under his leadership, the department has seen significant improvements in operational efficiency and has been crucial in the company’s digital transformation.
Previously, between March 2009 and February 2011, he served as Infrastructure Team Leader, managing teams responsible for maintaining and expanding the organization’s technological infrastructure. His focus on optimization and security helped establish a robust platform for growth and system scalability.
From April 2007 to October 2008, he held the position of System Process Manager. In this role, he was responsible for improving system processes to increase productivity and reduce costs, implementing technological solutions that supported critical business processes.
His career in technology began at Citibanamex, where he worked as an IT Business Analyst and Project Manager. During this stage, he gained invaluable experience managing complex IT projects and developing technological solutions that supported banking operations and the delivery of financial services.
Alberto Ibarra is known for his ability to lead high-performing teams, his strategic focus on technological innovation, and his commitment to operational excellence. His leadership and strategic vision have been fundamental in the development and implementation of technologies that enhance business performance and customer experience.
Alberto Ibarra é um experiente Diretor de Tecnologias da Informação, com uma sólida trajetória profissional na C&A México. Ao longo de sua carreira na C&A, ocupou diversas posições-chave, demonstrando um progresso constante e uma liderança eficaz em vários papéis dentro do departamento de TI.
Desde março de 2011, Alberto lidera como Diretor de TI, supervisionando as operações tecnológicas integrais da empresa e estabelecendo estratégias que alinham a tecnologia com os objetivos corporativos. Sob sua liderança, o departamento alcançou melhorias significativas na eficiência operacional e foi crucial na transformação digital da empresa.
Anteriormente, entre março de 2009 e fevereiro de 2011, desempenhou o papel de Líder de Equipe de Infraestrutura, onde gerenciou equipes responsáveis pela manutenção e expansão da infraestrutura tecnológica da organização. Seu foco em otimização e segurança ajudou a estabelecer uma plataforma sólida para o crescimento e escalabilidade do sistema.
De abril de 2007 a outubro de 2008, ocupou o cargo de Gerente de Processos do Sistema. Nesta posição, foi responsável por melhorar os processos do sistema para aumentar a produtividade e reduzir custos, implementando soluções tecnológicas que apoiaram os processos de negócios críticos.
Sua carreira em tecnologia começou no Citibanamex, onde trabalhou como Analista de Negócios de TI e Gerente de Projetos. Nessa etapa, adquiriu uma experiência inestimável gerenciando projetos complexos de TI e desenvolvendo soluções tecnológicas que apoiavam as operações bancárias e a entrega de serviços financeiros.
Alberto Ibarra é conhecido por sua capacidade de liderar equipes de alto desempenho, seu foco estratégico na inovação tecnológica e seu compromisso com a excelência operacional. Sua liderança e visão estratégica têm sido fundamentais no desenvolvimento e implementação de tecnologias que melhoram o desempenho empresarial e a experiência do cliente.
Alberto Ibarra es un experimentado Director de Tecnologías de la Información, con una sólida trayectoria profesional en C&A México. A lo largo de su carrera en C&A, ha ocupado diversas posiciones clave, mostrando un progreso constante y un liderazgo efectivo en varios roles dentro del departamento de IT.
Desde marzo de 2011, Alberto ha liderado como Director IT, supervisando las operaciones tecnológicas integrales de la empresa y estableciendo estrategias que alinean la tecnología con los objetivos corporativos. Bajo su liderazgo, el departamento ha visto mejoras significativas en la eficiencia operativa y ha sido crucial en la transformación digital de la empresa.
Anteriormente, entre marzo de 2009 y febrero de 2011, desempeñó el rol de Team Leader de Infraestructura, donde gestionó equipos encargados del mantenimiento y la expansión de la infraestructura tecnológica de la organización. Su enfoque en optimización y seguridad ayudó a establecer una plataforma sólida para el crecimiento y la escalabilidad del sistema.
De abril de 2007 a octubre de 2008, ocupó el puesto de Gerente de Procesos del Sistema. En esta posición, fue responsable de mejorar los procesos del sistema para aumentar la productividad y reducir costos, implementando soluciones tecnológicas que respaldaron los procesos de negocio críticos.
Su carrera en tecnología comenzó en Citibanamex, donde trabajó como Analista de Negocios IT y Gerente de Proyecto. En esta etapa, adquirió una experiencia invaluable gestionando proyectos complejos de IT y desarrollando soluciones tecnológicas que apoyaban las operaciones bancarias y la entrega de servicios financieros.
Alberto Ibarra es conocido por su capacidad para dirigir equipos de alto rendimiento, su enfoque estratégico en la innovación tecnológica y su compromiso con la excelencia operativa. Su liderazgo y visión estratégica han sido fundamentales en el desarrollo y la implementación de tecnologías que mejoran el rendimiento empresarial y la experiencia del cliente.
Guillermo Varela is a distinguished professional in the digital economy with a deep specialization in biotechnology, artificial intelligence, and the analysis, design, programming, and implementation of mobile applications. He has developed an impressive career, focusing on digital transformation and the integration of electronic payment solutions, digital evolution processes, and identity validation.
Since February 2018, he has served as President of the Chamber of the Digital Economy of Uruguay (CEDU), leading the entity in promoting and developing the digital economy in Uruguay. Under his leadership, CEDU has been a key player in creating policies that favor innovation and the digitalization of Uruguay’s economy.
Previously, he was a Director at Plexo, where he played a crucial role in strengthening the technological infrastructure for digital transactions between businesses and users, positioning Plexo as a key IT partner in various industries.
As CEO of HandSoft S.A. since August 2001, he led the company to market leadership, especially in mobile solutions and applied biotechnology platforms. Under his management, HandSoft S.A. expanded its global reach and became a pioneer in adopting emerging technologies.
In October 2012, Guillermo founded Yamp!, a company dedicated to creating innovative digital solutions, which he led until December 2017. Yamp! stood out for its focus on integrating artificial intelligence technologies into mobile applications for mass consumption.
From January 2008 to March 2014, he held the position of Director at Micropagos, where he implemented advanced solutions for electronic payment processing and played a key role in the digital transformation of the financial transaction sector.
Guillermo Varela’s career demonstrates a continuous commitment to innovation and the application of advanced technology in business and economic development. His leadership and vision have been essential in the adaptation and evolution of industries towards digitalization in Uruguay and beyond.
Guillermo Varela é um profissional destacado na economia digital com uma profunda especialização em biotecnologia, inteligência artificial, e na análise, design, programação e implementação de aplicativos móveis. Ele desenvolveu uma carreira notável, focando-se na transformação digital e integração de soluções de meios de pagamento eletrônicos, processos de evolução digital e validação de identidade.
Desde fevereiro de 2018, ele exerce o cargo de Presidente da Câmara da Economia Digital do Uruguai (CEDU), liderando a entidade na promoção e desenvolvimento da economia digital no Uruguai. Sob sua liderança, a CEDU se tornou um ator chave na criação de políticas que favorecem a inovação e digitalização da economia uruguaia.
Anteriormente, foi Diretor na Plexo, onde desempenhou um papel crucial no fortalecimento da infraestrutura tecnológica para transações digitais entre empresas e usuários, consolidando a Plexo como um parceiro IT essencial em diversas indústrias.
Como CEO da HandSoft S.A. desde agosto de 2001, ele direcionou a empresa para a liderança no mercado de software, especialmente em soluções móveis e plataformas de biotecnologia aplicada. Sob sua gestão, a HandSoft S.A. expandiu seu alcance global e se tornou pioneira na adoção de tecnologias emergentes.
Em outubro de 2012, Guillermo fundou a Yamp!, uma empresa dedicada à criação de soluções digitais inovadoras, a qual liderou até dezembro de 2017. A Yamp! se destacou pelo seu foco na integração de tecnologias de inteligência artificial em aplicativos móveis destinados ao consumo massivo.
De janeiro de 2008 a março de 2014, ocupou o cargo de Diretor na Micropagos, onde implementou soluções avançadas de processamento de pagamentos eletrônicos e desempenhou um papel chave na transformação digital do setor de transações financeiras.
A trajetória de Guillermo Varela demonstra um compromisso contínuo com a inovação e a aplicação de tecnologia avançada no desenvolvimento empresarial e econômico. Sua liderança e visão foram fundamentais na adaptação e evolução das indústrias para a digitalização no Uruguai e além.
Joaquín Sosa is a software engineer passionate about developing outstanding web applications using the latest technologies. He is dedicated to architecture design and development research.
Currently, he works on solutions utilizing the JavaScript environment for frontend applications and .NET Core along with Azure for server architectures. Throughout his career, he has spent most of his time working on full-stack .NET applications. However, he is now focused on projects with React and AngularJS for the frontend and .NET Core WebApi, Azure, and EF for server-side applications.
In 2021, he co-founded Data4Sales, where he has led the company to success by focusing on innovative and effective market solutions.
During his time at Uruit, he managed the technology department, overseeing key projects and improving operational efficiency. Previously, as Lead Engineer, he led development teams, implemented advanced technological solutions, and mentored new talent. He started his journey at Uruit as a software engineer, developing fundamental technical skills and contributing to the success of multiple projects.
At Integer Holdings Corporation, he specialized in software, delivering robust solutions and maintaining high-quality standards in software development.
Joaquín Sosa is recognized for his dedication to work, his ability to lead teams, and his focus on developing innovative technologies that transform and improve web applications.
Joaquín Sosa é engenheiro de software, apaixonado pelo desenvolvimento de aplicativos web surpreendentes usando as tecnologias mais recentes, e dedica-se ao design de arquiteturas e à pesquisa em desenvolvimento.
Atualmente, trabalha em soluções utilizando o ambiente JavaScript para aplicativos frontend e .NET Core junto com o Azure para arquiteturas de servidores. Ao longo de sua carreira, dedicou a maior parte do seu tempo a trabalhar em aplicativos completos de .NET. No entanto, atualmente se concentra em projetos com React e AngularJS no frontend e .NET Core WebApi, Azure e EF para aplicativos de servidor.
Em 2021, co-fundou o Data4Sales, onde tem liderado a empresa para o sucesso, focando-se em soluções inovadoras e eficazes para o mercado.
Durante seu tempo na Uruit, gerenciou o departamento de tecnologia, supervisionando projetos-chave e melhorando a eficiência operacional. Anteriormente, como Lead Engineer, liderou equipes de desenvolvimento, implementando soluções tecnológicas avançadas e mentorando novos talentos. Começou sua trajetória na Uruit como engenheiro de software, desenvolvendo habilidades técnicas fundamentais e contribuindo para o sucesso de vários projetos.
Na Integer Holdings Corporation, especializou-se em software, fornecendo soluções robustas e mantendo altos padrões de qualidade no desenvolvimento de software.
Joaquín Sosa é reconhecido por sua dedicação ao trabalho, sua capacidade de liderar equipes e seu foco no desenvolvimento de tecnologias inovadoras que transformam e melhoram os aplicativos web.
Joaquín Sosa es ingeniero de software, apasionado por el desarrollo de aplicaciones web sorprendentes utilizando las tecnologías más recientes, se dedica al diseño de arquitecturas y la investigación en desarrollo.
Actualmente, trabaja en soluciones utilizando el entorno de JavaScript para aplicaciones frontend y .NET Core junto con Azure para arquitecturas de servidores. A lo largo de su carrera, ha dedicado la mayor parte de su tiempo a trabajar en aplicaciones completas de .NET. Sin embargo, en la actualidad se enfoca en proyectos con React y AngularJS en el frontend y .NET Core WebApi, Azure y EF para aplicaciones de servidor.
En 2021 co-fundó Data4Sales, donde ha liderado la empresa hacia el éxito, enfocándose en soluciones innovadoras y eficaces para el mercado.
Durante su tiempo en Uruit, gestionó el departamento de tecnología, supervisando proyectos clave y mejorando la eficiencia operativa. Anteriormente, como Lead Engineer lideró equipos de desarrollo, implementando soluciones tecnológicas avanzadas y mentorando a nuevos talentos. Comenzó su trayectoria en Uruit como ingeniero de software, desarrollando habilidades técnicas fundamentales y contribuyendo al éxito de múltiples proyectos.
En Integer Holdings Corporation, se especializó en software, brindando soluciones robustas y manteniendo altos estándares de calidad en el desarrollo de software.
Joaquín Sosa es reconocido por su dedicación al trabajo, su capacidad para liderar equipos y su enfoque en el desarrollo de tecnologías innovadoras que transforman y mejoran las aplicaciones web.
Guido Shama is a professional passionate about digital commerce, with extensive experience in omnichannel strategic planning, growth hacking, and leading synergistic teams.
He currently holds the position of Director of Ecommerce for Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay at Samsung Electronics, where he leads the e-commerce strategy in the region, driving growth and adapting to the changing market dynamics.
Previously, he served as Head of Ecommerce, where he was responsible for directing e-commerce operations, establishing strategies that strengthened the brand’s digital presence. Before Samsung, he was Ecommerce Manager at Brandlive, where he managed and optimized the digital commerce experience, and Commercial Director at Difusión S.A., leading the company’s commercial strategies.
He began his career as Brand Manager at L’Oréal Argentina, where he developed and managed brands, establishing their presence in the Argentine market.
Guido Shama is recognized for his ability to achieve results that add value to organizations, overcoming business challenges with creative vision and effective leadership. His strategic approach and ability to adapt to market changes make him a reference in the digital commerce field.
Diego Sebastián Sánchez Lemos is a prominent professional in the field of e-business and digital strategy, with an impressive track record at Mabe Global and as the founder of “Acelera tu ecommerce”.
He leads global e-commerce and digital transformation strategies at Mabe Global, driving growth and innovation in international markets.
As E-Business & Omnichannel Manager, he focused on omnichannel management and e-business development, integrating various platforms and channels to enhance customer experience and boost sales.
He managed e-business operations in Latin America and Canada, implementing strategies that optimized digital presence and commercial performance in these regions.
As E-Business – Continental Digital Manager, he oversaw digital initiatives at the continental level, coordinating efforts to strengthen the digital infrastructure and expand Mabe Global’s reach.
As the founder of “Acelera tu ecommerce”, he helped numerous businesses optimize their e-commerce operations, providing strategies and tools to accelerate their growth in the digital market.
Diego Sebastián Sánchez Lemos is a visionary leader in the field of e-commerce and digital transformation, recognized for his ability to drive growth and innovation in various markets. His experience and leadership continue to be a source of inspiration in the industry.
Bruno Rego Salomé is an experienced digital services manager with a strong track record in the banking industry, where he has specialized in evolving customer experience. His career stands out for his expertise in project management, systems development, and user experience improvement, combining a strong marketing orientation with a deep understanding of information systems.
Since 2024, he has held the position of Head of LATAM Integration & Partnerships at Amazon, where he leads integration and strategic partnerships in Latin America. Prior to this role, he served as Head LATAM of Marketplace Hubs at Amazon, directing the development and expansion of marketplace hubs in the region, contributing to Amazon’s growth and consolidation in key markets.
Before joining Amazon, he built an outstanding career at Itaú Unibanco, where he held several key roles. He was Omnichannel Manager, leading the omnichannel strategy to enhance customer interaction and satisfaction across multiple channels. Previously, he served as Strategic Customer Service Planning Manager and as Digital Serving Manager, driving the digitalization and modernization of customer services.
He is recognized for his strategic focus and ability to lead multidisciplinary teams in implementing innovative solutions that improve customer experience and optimize digital processes in large organizations. His combination of technical and management skills, along with his experience in the financial sector and e-commerce, positions him as a key leader in digital transformation in Latin America.
Christopher Jones is an experienced professional with over 20 years of expertise in leadership roles across supply chain, logistics, retail operations, business processes, and information systems.
He currently serves as Chief Technology Officer at GDN Group, where he oversees the technological direction of the company. His role involves leading innovative solutions, enhancing system capabilities, and ensuring the alignment of technological strategies with business objectives.
In addition to his role as CTO, he contributes to the strategic oversight of GDN AR as a member of the board of directors. His expertise helps guide the organization through industry challenges and opportunities, leveraging his extensive experience in operations and technology.
His strategic vision and leadership are further exemplified by his position on the board of directors of TIA S.A. Here, he collaborates with other board members to define business policies and long-term objectives, focusing on innovation and growth.
He was CEO Country Manager at Ta-Ta S.A., where he was responsible for overall operations, strategic planning, and market expansion. His management resulted in significant improvements in operational efficiency and customer satisfaction, along with substantial growth in market share.
At Walmart, he served as Director of Business Processes and IT for Argentina and Chile. He led initiatives to optimize business processes and implement IT solutions that enhanced operational effectiveness and supported the company’s large-scale retail operations.
Christopher Jones’ career reflects a commitment to excellence in supply chain management, technological innovation, and strategic leadership, making him a valuable asset to any organization seeking operational and technological advancements.
Ana Martínez Vivot is a distinguished professional with over 15 years of experience in multinational retail companies, specializing in commercial areas, planning, and e-commerce. Throughout her career, she has proven to be a results-oriented leader with a strategic vision, analytical skills, and expertise in process improvement and team development.
She currently serves as the Ecommerce Manager at Farmacity S.A., where she is responsible for the comprehensive management of the company’s e-commerce channel. Her focus is on optimizing the user experience, increasing online sales, and improving the operational efficiency of the digital channel. Under her leadership, Farmacity has implemented innovative digital marketing strategies and strengthened its online market presence.
Previously, as the Ecommerce Commercial Manager, she led the commercial strategy of the e-commerce channel at Falabella Retail, driving online sales growth and customer satisfaction. Her management was characterized by the implementation of effective commercial strategies and the continuous improvement of the e-commerce platform.
As the Commercial Manager for the fashion, beauty, and footwear categories in the e-commerce channel, she was responsible for planning and executing commercial strategies that led to significant growth in these categories. Her ability to understand market trends and her focus on customer experience were key to the success of these business lines.
As the Budget and Logistics Planning Manager, she oversaw the company’s logistics planning and budget management. Her focus on process optimization and operational efficiency significantly contributed to improving the supply chain and resource management.
As Deputy Manager, she led system development and budget management projects, implementing technological solutions that improved internal processes and operational efficiency for the company.
Ana Martínez Vivot is known for her results-driven approach, her ability to lead teams, and her skill in driving continuous process improvements. Her strategic vision and analytical capacity enable her to identify growth opportunities and develop effective strategies to capitalize on them. She is a leader committed to excellence and innovation, always seeking new ways to optimize operations and improve customer experience.
Wilbur Mauricio Ordóñez Mariño is a prominent digital channels director with over 20 years of experience in E-commerce, Omnichannel, and Marketplaces. His mission is focused on creating and implementing digital and commercial strategies that not only generate value and increase revenue but also optimize the efficiency of online businesses in sectors such as pharmaceuticals, appliances, fashion, and home goods throughout Latin America.
Currently, he leads the digital strategy at Colsubsidio, one of Colombia’s most important companies, focusing his efforts on the institutional and commercial segments. Under his leadership, Colsubsidio has solidified its position in the online pharmaceutical market. Additionally, he has been a cornerstone in the company’s omnichannel transformation, successfully integrating Ecommerce, App, Contact Center, Chat, and Digital World channels.
He is also a recognized speaker and lecturer on topics of E-commerce, Omnichannel, and Digital Transformation, participating in both national and international events. His passion for innovation and commitment to continuous learning drives him to share his knowledge and experience with other professionals and organizations, enriching the digital ecosystem in the region.
With a strategic vision and a solid understanding of the digital and commercial environment, Wilbur Ordóñez Mariño continues to lead high-impact projects, contributing to the growth and strengthening of digital channels in Latin America.
Vanesa Gambirazio is a professional dedicated to creating digital transformation solutions with a high impact on businesses and projects. Her experience focuses on e-commerce projects in countries such as Peru, Argentina, Mexico, and Colombia, where she collaborates with the leading E-Commerce Chambers in the region.
She advises companies on the effective development of communication, marketing, social media, and digital platform projects, with a special focus on the implementation of online stores. In addition, she conducts courses and workshops on UX, e-commerce, and accessibility.
She is a co-founder of Pulip Flex Market Sale, a platform for creating and managing discount events, where she serves as Founder & Director of ID4YOU.
She is a member of the Board of Directors of CACE, and previously served as Vice Director of the Marketing Commission of the same organization. She is also currently part of the Executive Council of Semillero Digital.
Sebastián Mantica is an experienced professional in e-commerce and digital business management, with a solid background in the technology and retail industries. Since 2015, he has served as Ecommerce & Digital Business Manager at Cetrogar S.A., where he has played a key role in the company’s digital transformation, driving the growth of the online channel and optimizing the customer experience in the digital environment.
Before his role at Cetrogar, he worked at Frávega SACIEI, where he held crucial positions. Until 2015, he was Ecommerce Manager, leading the development and expansion of the company’s e-commerce, and previously, he was Category Manager, managing strategic categories and improving product profitability in the market.
His career began at Carrefour, where he was Brand Manager IT, managing the brand strategy for the technology category, and at IBM, where he worked as Brand Manager, playing a key role in positioning the brand in the market.
Sebastián Mantica stands out for his ability to lead digital transformation and e-commerce projects, combining his deep sector knowledge with a strategic vision focused on innovation and achieving outstanding results. His experience in brand and category management, along with his ability to adapt to market trends, makes him a leader in digital commerce and technology.
Sara Carbajo Suárez has extensive professional knowledge in e-commerce. Her career began in the early years, driving the growth of a Spanish start-up specializing in flash sales, which was later acquired by Amazon in 2011.
In a later phase, she focused on the Middle East market, serving as Key Account Manager in the fashion sector for a marketplace present in seven countries. In this final stage, she has focused her efforts on marketing an eCommerce platform highly focused on conversion.
Since 2021, she has been working as Ecommerce Manager at IQVIA Spain, where she has successfully led various digital commerce strategies.
Previously, she worked as Business Developer for Commerce Solutions at Increnta, where she developed innovative solutions for digital commerce, optimizing the user experience and increasing conversion.
At vdSHOP, she held two key roles: first as Head of Brands and then as Manager of Sourcing & Brands. In these positions, she oversaw brand management and sourcing, ensuring strategic alignment with the company’s business objectives.
Before her time at vdSHOP, she was part of VTEX, where she worked in Corporate Sales for Spain and Portugal. Her role involved managing corporate sales, strengthening the company’s presence in the Iberian market and developing key business relationships.
With a career spanning various strategic roles in e-commerce, Sara Carbajo Suárez has demonstrated exceptional capacity to lead and execute projects that drive growth and innovation in every organization she has worked for.
Salustio Prieto is a distinguished professional with a solid academic background. His career spans extensive experience in sales, business development, strategic planning, marketing, and general management, with a particular focus on logistics services, cargo airlines, direct sales (MLM), courier services, and consumer goods.
A specialist in logistics services, B2B marketing, business development, and innovation, he began his career in maritime and air cargo transport, where he started in sales and rose to executive positions such as Sales and Marketing Director and General Manager at leading companies in the Chilean market. Notable among these are Lan Cargo Airlines, LanCourier, Oriflame, TW Logistics (3PL), Undurraga Wines, and CorreosChile.
He is the founder and first president of the Logistics Association of Chile (ALOG), a milestone that marks his commitment to the development of the logistics sector in the country. In 2010, he was appointed Director of Marketing, Business Development, and Innovation at CorreosChile, and in 2012, he rejoined the ALOG board. He has also been a member of the expert committee at ILCE (Latin American Institute of E-Commerce).
Currently, he is facing new challenges as CEO and Co-Founder of Next4, a venture capital, business development, and commercial representation company for Latin America, with a focus on e-Commerce, the collaborative economy, and supply chain management. He is also the Founding Director of PickTac, CEO of Acceleron, Co-Founder and Chairman of PalletParking, and a board member of QMATCH-eCommerce Intelligence. His leadership and innovative vision continue to drive the evolution of these sectors in Latin America.
Ricardo Garrido is an executive with extensive experience in business management, leading startups, transforming strategies into efficient and profitable operations, building and leading multidisciplinary teams, working in global companies, developing solid strategic alliances with world-class companies, and carrying out complex changes in the business environment.
He serves as Marketplace Director for Amazon in Brazil, where he is responsible for the strategy and operation of the platform, ensuring its growth and efficiency in the Brazilian market.
Before his current role, he led the Alexa team in Brazil, where he managed the introduction and expansion of Amazon’s voice assistant in the country, working closely with global teams to adapt the technology to the local market.
He also led the Content Acquisition team for Kindle in Brazil, including negotiations with publishers and the Kindle Direct Publishing platform. His leadership was crucial to the growth of the content catalog in the region.
At Tegma, he was Managing Director of the Integrated Logistics Business Unit, where he developed e-commerce operations for companies like Nespresso and FNAC, consolidating Treelog as one of the largest logistics companies in Brazil.
He developed and launched iba (, Abril Media’s e-commerce platform for the sale and distribution of digital content. He led Abril’s digital content distribution through strategic partnerships with companies like Adobe, Google, Apple, and Nova Pontocom. He also led the acquisition and management of Xeriph, a Brazilian startup pioneering the e-book business in Brazil.
Ricardo Garrido is known for being assertive, flexible, and eclectic, excelling in his ability to involve different people in a common vision. His quick learning ability and sharp problem-solving skills are also among his strengths.
Reynaldo Musso is a prominent manager with more than 15 years of experience in the development of digital solutions and the implementation of agile transformations. Throughout his career, he has been responsible for leading various product, design, and technology teams, achieving sustained business growth by creating and operating innovative digital solutions.
His leadership in these multifunctional teams has resulted in the success of multiple initiatives, including the development of mobile apps for iPhone and Android in Latin America, and the new e-commerce platform for Abcdin.
He has been a key player in digital transformation processes at renowned companies such as, Abcdin, Salcobrand, and Preunic, driving changes that have made work teams more collaborative and productive. His extensive knowledge in different industries, including airlines, retail, financial retail, and pharmacies, has allowed him to adapt and lead effectively in various contexts.
Reynaldo Musso has proven to be an adaptable and effective leader, always focused on improving the customer experience and fostering innovation within his teams. His career reflects a constant commitment to excellence and digital transformation, positioning him as a benchmark in product and technology project management.
Pedro Merino is a journalist with a degree in Information Sciences, Managing Partner, and Co-founder of Ecommerce News, the leading media outlet in Spain and Latin America specializing in e-commerce, online marketing, and digital economy. Since its foundation in 2012, Ecommerce News has become a benchmark in the sector, reaching over 130,000 unique monthly users.
Throughout his career, he has expanded his influence in the field of new technologies and digital transformation. Since 2017, he has co-founded two additional media outlets: Big Data Magazine and Cyber Security News, both focused on critical areas such as Big Data and cybersecurity. In these roles, he has directed the strategy and growth of the publications, making them indispensable resources for industry professionals.
Additionally, he is the Co-founder of eCommerceCoach, a platform dedicated to training and consulting in e-commerce, and Executive Partner at Pomaikai Comunicación, where he applies his expertise in communication and digital marketing for various companies.
Pedro Merino specializes in Internet, Social Media, Online Marketing, E-commerce, Big Data, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, Fintech, Marketing, and Digital Transformation. His extensive experience and knowledge in these fields have allowed him to lead innovative projects and become an influential figure in the digital landscape.
Patricia Jebsen is an experienced advisor and board member with a solid track record in various business areas. She currently holds multiple leadership roles in renowned companies across Latin America.
As a Business Advisor at Seeds, she contributes her extensive experience to guide the company’s growth and business strategy, supporting key decision-making for sustainable development.
As an Omnichannel Board Advisor at Coppel Mexico and Coppel Argentina, she brings her deep knowledge of omnichannel strategies to help Coppel strengthen its presence in both the Mexican and Argentine markets. Her focus is on enhancing the customer experience through the integration of digital and physical channels.
Additionally, she has been a Board Member at Chatcenter since September 2023. In this role, she actively participates in strategic decision-making to drive growth and innovation in the company, which specializes in customer communication and support solutions.
She is also a Board Member at CUIDARLOS, where she contributes her expertise to support the organization’s mission, which focuses on providing care and health services to the elderly and dependent individuals.
Patricia Jebsen is recognized for her ability to lead in complex environments, her strategic focus on omnichannel strategies, and her skill in driving business innovation and growth. Her role as an advisor and board member positions her as a key figure in the development of successful business strategies across various industries.
Pablo Altamira is an experienced advisor with a solid track record in the e-commerce industry. Throughout his career, he has proven to be a highly skilled professional, specializing in e-commerce and entrepreneurship.
Since 2019, he has held the position of Country Manager at Producteca Mexico, where he has been instrumental in the company’s development and expansion in the Mexican market. Previously, he held the same role at Producteca Argentina, successfully leading operations in the country and consolidating the company’s position in the local market.
In addition to his management experience, he has served as the eCommerce Program Coordinator at Digital House, a renowned educational institution focused on technology and innovation. In this role, he contributed to training new talent in the field of e-commerce.
He is also an entrepreneur, having co-founded two companies before joining Producteca. He co-founded EmprendING, a platform dedicated to fostering entrepreneurial spirit. Earlier, in 2009, he co-founded Parsimotion, a company focused on technological solutions for e-commerce.
With a combination of experience in leadership, education, and entrepreneurship, Pablo Altamira has made a significant impact on the e-commerce industry in Latin America.
Nicolás Valenzuela is the Digital Commerce Manager at Cencosud S.A., the largest retail group in Latin America, where he leads the digital businesses of brands such as Jumbo, Easy, Disco, Blaisten, Vea, and Retail Media. Since taking on this role in October 2021, he has developed the digital unit with a focus on growth, profitability, customer experience, and digital transformation.
With over 15 years of experience in the internet and retail sectors, he has applied his expertise in e-commerce, marketing, data analysis, business strategy, and team management. In addition to his role at Cencosud, he is a professor for the Executive Program in e-Commerce for all of Latin America, held in collaboration with Mercado Libre, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Argentine Chamber of Electronic Commerce (CACE). His mission is to drive the development of digital commerce in the region with an innovative, creative, and results-oriented vision.
Nicolás Valenzuela stands out as a leader in the digital commerce field, with a solid track record in the development and management of businesses in the retail and internet sectors. His focus on innovation, creativity, and results positions him as a key figure in digital transformation and enhancing customer experiences in Latin America. With his extensive experience and skills in e-commerce, marketing, and data analysis, he continues to drive growth and competitiveness for companies in the region.
Nicolás Tejerina is a prominent leader in the digital classifieds sector in Latin America, with over 25 years of industry experience. Since July 2024, he has been serving as an advisor after a successful career as an executive at Navent and, more recently, at Grupo QuintoAndar.
Until July 2024, he held the position of General Manager of Classifieds at Grupo QuintoAndar, the leading real estate ecosystem in Latin America. In this role, he led the group’s classifieds business, headquartered in Buenos Aires, employing over 800 people and operating renowned brands across the region, such as Zonaprop, Inmuebles24, Vivanuncios, Imovelweb, Urbania, Adondevivir, and Plusvalía.
Before his role at QuintoAndar, he was Co-Founder and CEO of Navent, a classifieds platform he led until 2022. During this time, he also served as the company’s Chairman. Under his leadership, Navent grew exponentially, expanding to seven key markets, including Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico, through the creation of new brands and strategic acquisitions. He led the raising of over $150 million in capital and the integration of 17 brands, solidifying Navent as a benchmark in the digital real estate sector in the region.
Throughout his career, he established strong partnerships with renowned tech funds such as Tiger Global and Riverwood Capital, contributing to Navent’s growth and expansion. In recognition of its leadership position, the company was recently acquired by QuintoAndar, headquartered in Brazil and operating in five other Latin American countries.
Previously, he served as CEO of from 2006 to 2010, where he laid the foundation for what would later become Navent. His strategic vision and ability to lead multicultural teams have been key in his contributions to developing platforms that facilitate property buying and selling and property search for millions of users in the region.
Nicolás Gore is an expert with extensive experience in eCommerce platforms, focusing significantly on projects in Argentina and South America. He has vast expertise in selling and managing eCommerce solutions, serving various industries and verticals in both B2C and B2B markets. He specializes in creating and implementing Multi-Channel and Omni-Channel solutions.
Throughout his career as a consultant, he has played a key role in helping numerous companies achieve digital transformation and open their online sales channels.
In his current role as VP Client Partner & Growth at Valtech, he leads client partnerships and growth strategies, ensuring that clients achieve their business objectives through effective eCommerce and digital transformation solutions.
As Director of Commerce Enablement, he was responsible for enabling commerce capabilities within the organization, driving the adoption of innovative eCommerce practices and technologies.
At Lyracons, as Commercial Director, he managed commercial strategies, expanding the company’s market presence and enhancing its service offerings in the eCommerce sector.
Additionally, as part of CACE, he contributed to the development and regulation of eCommerce platforms in Argentina, working closely with industry players to promote best practices and innovation.
As a founding partner, he played a crucial role in establishing Semexpert, a company dedicated to providing specialized eCommerce solutions and consultancy services. Nicolás Gore’s expertise in eCommerce, combined with his hands-on experience in various leadership roles, positions him as a valuable asset to drive digital transformation and achieve commercial success in online sales.
Mario Miranda is a prominent executive in the eCommerce and digital operations sector in Latin America. Since April 2023, he has been serving as Co-CEO and Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) at Infracommerce Latam, where he has been instrumental in the company’s expansion and consolidation in the regional market.
Prior to his current role, he was the CEO and founder of Ecomsur. Under his leadership, Ecomsur became a leading company in eCommerce solutions, offering comprehensive services to businesses across various sectors in Latin America.
Simultaneously, he also served as Director at Neosur Chile, where he drove the company’s digital and operational strategy.
Previously, he was IT & Operations Manager at Refax Chile S.A., managing technology and operations projects that significantly improved the company’s efficiency and capacity.
His professional journey began as a Senior Consultant at Accenture. At Accenture, he developed expertise in business and technology consulting, working with high-profile clients to improve their processes and operating systems.
Mario Miranda has a strong and diverse career, standing out for his leadership, innovation, and ability to drive company growth in the dynamic eCommerce and digital landscape in Latin America.
Mario Contreras is a distinguished Computer Engineer with thirty years of experience in IT and systems and twenty-four years dedicated to managing eCommerce projects. Throughout his extensive career, Mario has developed a dual profile, combining commercial and technical skills that allow him to lead eCommerce projects with a comprehensive and effective vision.
Since August 2023, Mario has been serving as eCommerce Manager at Distrinando S.A., where he has implemented innovative strategies to improve customer experience and optimize online business operations. Before this role, he held the same position at López Hnos from July 2022 to July 2023, and at Newsan from October 2021 to June 2022.
At Newsan, Mario was also eCommerce Manager for Motorola Argentina between May 2021 and September 2021, demonstrating his ability to manage and enhance the online sales of a globally recognized brand. Prior to this, he was General Director at from December 2015 to April 2021, where he led the platform’s growth and consolidation in the market.
Mario’s career is characterized by his constant professional improvement and his ability to adapt to new trends and technologies in eCommerce. His capacity to understand both technical and commercial aspects enables him to design and implement strategies that not only boost sales but also improve operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.
With a strategic vision and results-oriented approach, Mario Contreras is a leader in the field of eCommerce, capable of leading high-performance teams and executing successful projects that contribute to the growth and digital transformation of the companies he works with.
Mario Colla is an entrepreneur with a solid background in business management, technology, eCommerce, and international business. He is the co-founder of SearchMindAI, a company providing conversational commerce solutions, and, a LogTech firm specializing in cross-border eCommerce with more than 400 employees across 11 countries. Under his leadership, TiendaMIA has positioned itself as a benchmark in the sector, offering consumers efficient and secure access to international products.
He has also been a mentor and entrepreneur at Endeavor, and in 2023, he joined the Board of Directors of this prestigious organization, where he continues to support entrepreneurs on their path to success. Previously, he was the CEO of Gproxy Inc., an eCommerce factory acquired by Oracle in 2012. His experience in this role and others, such as owner of a mobile device eCommerce business and Country Manager for Latin America at France Telecom, has allowed him to accumulate extensive knowledge in international business management and eCommerce.
Currently, he holds the position of Chief Strategy Officer at SearchMindAI and remains Chairman of the Board and co-founder of TiendaMIA, where he continues to drive innovation and growth in global eCommerce.
His first digital experience was in 1983 with an Apple II. In 1993, he discovered the internet, which led him to start a digital services provider.
Founder of Multired in Uruguay, one of the first eCommerce platforms and internet service providers in the region.
Mariano Oriozabala is a prominent specialist in Digital Commerce, both in B2C and B2B, with an impressive career in the e-commerce industry in Latin America. His career began in 2001 at, where he focused on business development, marking the start of his path in e-commerce.
In 2007, he co-founded the first e-commerce agency in Argentina, a milestone in his career and in the industry in the country. One of the first projects he led was the implementation of the Magento platform in its 1.1 version, achieving success stories such as Prune and the creation of TiendaMovistar.
Over the next six years, he worked on designing online strategies and implementing them on Magento for renowned clients such as Tigo, Farmacity, Siman, La Curacao, Frávega, Carrefour, Derco, Vitamina, among others. In 2013, he decided to return to offering Full E-Commerce solutions, adding Management and Online Marketing services under an innovative Revenue Share model, migrating to the VTEX platform implementation, and becoming a strategic partner to his clients with a B2B2C vision.
Since then, he has worked on the launch and execution of digital strategies for iconic brands such as Topper, Ricky Sarkany, Arredo, Unilever, Samsonite, La Martina, Crocs, FarmaOnline, The North Face, Vans, DIA, Asics, among others, across various countries in Latin America.
Currently, he serves as CEO of Infracommerce LATAM, leading operations in nine countries: Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Uruguay, and Panama.
Throughout his career, he has been a key player in changing consumption patterns throughout Latin America, alongside his Infracommerce team, carrying out e-commerce implementation for the best brands in the world in the region, such as Nike, H&M, Hugo Boss, Asics, among others.
Mariano Cabrera Lanfranconi is a prominent professional in marketing and advertising, with a career that has positioned him as a leading figure in Bolivia. He is the co-founder and CMO of Grupo Hemisferios, the first marketing outsourcing HUB in the country, where he has led initiatives that have driven the growth and transformation of major national and international brands such as 3M, Yanbal, Aseguradora Fortaleza, Banco Económico, Fexpocruz, Tigo, and Viva, among others.
In addition to his work in the corporate world, he is dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs, freelancers, and professionals in building strong and profitable personal brands. Through his consultancy, coaching, and mentoring, he uses his vast experience to help others live off their personal brand, providing them with the tools needed to stand out in the market.
His passion for education has led him to become an active mentor and educator, teaching and developing programs at various universities and institutions.
Since 2018, he has served as Co-Founder & CMO of Grupo Hemisferios. Additionally, he is a Startup Mentor at Santa Cruz Innova and Co-Founder of the Bolivian Association of E-Commerce, where he continues to contribute to the growth of the digital ecosystem in Bolivia.
He is also the Director and Blogger at, a platform where he shares his knowledge on marketing, advertising, and social media. As a speaker, he has participated in numerous events, sharing his expertise in these areas and inspiring and educating thousands of people.
Mariano Cabrera Lanfranconi is recognized for his ability to drive change and growth, both in established companies and entrepreneurs, using his marketing expertise and passion for education to make a significant difference in every project he undertakes.
María Mujica is a leader in digital transformation and e-commerce in Latin America with a distinguished career at Mondelez International. Since 2020, she has served as Vice President of eCommerce for Latin America at Mondelez, driving digital acceleration in the region.
Additionally, since 2019, she has been serving as a Pro Bono Ambassador for Latin America at the Global Institute of Experienced Entrepreneurship (GIEE), supporting entrepreneurship and innovation across the continent. Previously, she led marketing and eCommerce transformation in Latin America as Director of eCommerce & Marketing Transformation at Mondelez.
Until 2019, she held the role of Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) for Latin America and eCommerce Leader for the region, strengthening the company’s digital presence. Prior to that, she co-led the innovative Fly Garage project, an initiative to expand Mondelez’s digital commerce in Latin America, multiplying results tenfold in three years.
María Mujica stands out for her focus on unlocking the potential of teams, fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptability in an environment of accelerated growth. Her over ten-year career in digital transformation includes three major changes driven with high-performance teams: product innovation (Fly Garage), digital communication (Digital Accelerator), and scaling digital commerce.
Lorena Comino is a prominent professional in the field of full-cycle application design and development, with solid experience acquired in various software company projects. Since the beginning of her career, she has matured the idea that the SaaS (Software as a Service) model is the most cost-effective way to develop software, focusing on simplicity and ease of use, and solving specific problems with a differentiated service.
Combining her passion for entrepreneurship and her skills in IT, in 2010 she began her career as a tech entrepreneur, founding LinkSide SA in 2011. In 2014, she fully dedicated herself to the development of Facturante, a company that has experienced continuous growth since then.
She is the co-founder and CEO of Facturante, a platform specialized in electronic invoicing solutions, multichannel invoicing middleware, e-commerce invoicing, automation of tax receipts, and invoicing software integrated with AFIP for high volume.
Currently, she is also part of the Board of Directors of the Union of Commerce, Industry, and Production (UCIP) of Mar del Plata, where she contributes with her experience and strategic vision.
She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Argentine Chamber of Electronic Commerce (CACE), contributing her knowledge in the development and promotion of e-commerce in Argentina.
Additionally, she serves as the Deputy Director of the Atlantic Region in CACE, driving the growth of e-commerce in the region.
She has also been a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Information and Communication Technologies of Mar del Plata (ATICMA), where she collaborated in the development and strengthening of the local tech sector.
Lorena Comino is recognized for her leadership abilities, her strategic vision in the development of technological solutions, and her commitment to growth and innovation in the e-commerce and technology sectors.
Leonardo Álvarez is a visionary entrepreneur passionate about change and the constant search for opportunities to develop innovative solutions and business models on the Internet. Since 2002, he has been a key partner at Análoga, now known as Fenicio eCommerce, a leading cloud-based e-commerce platform in the Uruguayan market.
Under his leadership, Fenicio eCommerce has grown to become the leading e-commerce platform in Uruguay, with significant expansion in Latin America. The platform serves B2C retail businesses across various sectors, including fashion, electronics, home, furniture, and food, among others. Fenicio eCommerce supports more than 550 B2C stores in Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Paraguay, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic.
Currently, he leads Fenicio eCommerce’s business expansion in Latin America and the Caribbean, with a particular focus on the markets in Peru and Paraguay. His role includes strategic planning, market penetration, and establishing strong customer relationships to drive growth in these regions.
Leonardo Álvarez is also an influential figure in the digital economy sector. He serves as the director and general secretary of the Chamber of Digital Economy of Uruguay (CEDU), actively participating in initiatives to promote and educate about the e-commerce industry both in Uruguay and the region.
His extensive experience in e-commerce, digital transformation, and business development has equipped him with a unique set of skills in strategic planning, sales management, and market expansion. His commitment to innovation and excellence continues to drive the success and growth of the digital economy in Latin America.
Justo Abán is a distinguished professional with over 20 years of experience in developing and executing Digital Marketing and E-Commerce strategies. Throughout his career, he has demonstrated exceptional ability to build and lead commercial and marketing plans from scratch, manage teams, and optimize processes to improve customer experience and operational efficiency. He is recognized for his leadership, extensive knowledge, and execution skills.
Since March 2023, he has served as General Director at, a Zapata company. In this role, he leads the company’s overall strategy, overseeing all business and marketing operations. His leadership has been crucial in driving the growth and innovation within the company, ensuring excellence in the execution of eCommerce and digital marketing strategies.
At Habers Holding, he led e-commerce initiatives and digital transformation, as well as heading the marketing department. During his tenure, he implemented marketing automation strategies, customer experience (CX) personalization, and optimization of eCommerce platforms, resulting in a notable increase in sales and customer satisfaction.
At Multiplica, he was responsible for the global eCommerce strategy for Europe and LATAM. In this short but significant period, he developed and implemented digital marketing and UX/UI optimization plans, significantly improving the company’s presence and performance in the assigned markets.
At GNC, he led marketing and e-commerce strategies, optimizing searchandising, SEO, and anti-fraud systems. His holistic approach to customer experience and operational efficiency resulted in significant improvements in performance metrics and customer satisfaction.
During his time at Deportes Martí, he led omnichannel integration and e-commerce operations. He implemented innovative logistics schemes for eCommerce, including pick-and-pack layouts and last-mile strategies, as well as improving the Net Promoter Score (NPS) and CRM management.
Justo Abán is a recognized leader in digital marketing and e-commerce, with a career marked by his ability to innovate and execute strategies that transform businesses and generate outstanding results. His vision and experience make him a valuable asset for any organization looking to lead in the digital and eCommerce environment.
Juan Pablo Bruzzo is a prominent Argentine entrepreneur with a solid track record in the financial and technological sectors, with a particular focus on innovation in the fintech space. Throughout his career, he has co-founded and led several companies that have made a significant mark in their respective industries.
Since 2022, he has been the Co-Founder of Slice Token, an innovative company aiming to revolutionize the digital token market, enhancing access and the democratization of finance through blockchain technology.
Additionally, since 2013, he has been the Co-Founder and CEO of Moni Online, a fintech platform that has redefined access to credit and financial services in Latin America, offering flexible and accessible solutions to a traditionally underserved population by conventional banking.
Previously, he served as President of the Argentine Chamber of Fintech, where he drove the development of the fintech ecosystem in Argentina, promoting more inclusive regulations and fostering innovation and collaboration among industry players.
Before his entry into the fintech sector, he was Co-CEO of DineroMail, one of the first online payment platforms in the region, where he led the company’s regional expansion and its consolidation as a leader in electronic payments.
His early career was as Marketing Director of, one of the first e-commerce platforms in Latin America, where he was key in building the brand and driving the exponential growth of the business in its early years.
Juan Pablo Bruzzo’s career is defined by his strategic vision and ability to lead innovative projects that transform industries, establishing him as a leader in the business and fintech ecosystem in the region.
Juan Martín Romero is a prominent executive in the field of ecommerce and business management in Argentina. Since 2022, he has held the position of Second Vice President at the Argentine Chamber of Ecommerce (CACE), where he contributes to the development and promotion of digital commerce in the country.
He has been a key figure at Frávega, one of the leading home appliances and technology chains in Argentina. He began his career at Frávega in 2013 as Director of Marketing and Ecommerce, a position he held until 2018. During this time, he led important marketing initiatives and the development of the company’s ecommerce platform. In March 2018, he was promoted to Managing Director, a role he continues to hold, managing the company’s global operations and driving growth and digital transformation strategies.
Before his time at Frávega, he developed a notable career at Nokia. He joined the company in 2008 as Marketing Manager for Southern Latin America. He was later promoted to Marketing and Service Director for the same region. During his time at Nokia, he focused on strengthening the brand and improving customer service in the region, significantly contributing to the company’s growth in the Latin American market.
With a strong background in marketing, ecommerce, and business management, Juan Martín Romero has established himself as an influential leader in the technological and commercial sector in Argentina, driving innovations and strategies that have left a lasting impact on every organization he has worked with.
José Fernando Díaz Melo is an Industrial Engineer with over 15 years of experience in the development and implementation of ecommerce strategies, digital marketing, e-learning, and customer experience. His specialization lies in the design and implementation of technological projects with financial valuation, which has allowed him to stand out in the sector.
He is the founder and CEO of Digiway, a leading company in digital solutions and ecommerce. Since January 2008, he has directed the company towards success, implementing innovative strategies and leading a high-performance team. He is also the founder of SuindOficial, another of his business initiatives.
Throughout his career, he has held important positions such as Country Manager at Navent and General Director for Colombia at Terra Networks. In these roles, he focused on project evaluation, strategic sales and marketing planning, and the implementation of ecommerce strategies for products and services.
He has also been an active member of the ecommerce community. He was a founder and board member of the Colombian Chamber of Ecommerce, and president of the Board of Directors of Digiway Corp. His leadership and vision have significantly contributed to the development of the sector in Colombia and the region.
With an exemplary professional career and a constant commitment to innovation and technological development, José Fernando Díaz Melo stands out as an influential leader in the ecommerce and digital technology sector.
Jose Acosta is a professional with international experience in both multinational companies and startups, specializing in ecommerce, business development, logistics, and general management. His career is marked by a passion for launching ventures and growing businesses.
Since March 2019, he has served as Head of eCommerce & Omnichannel at La Comer, where he leads the strategy to integrate the company’s online and physical operations, optimizing the customer shopping experience across multiple platforms.
Before joining La Comer, he co-founded, an ecommerce platform offering personalized products and services. In this startup, he applied his expertise to establish and expand the company’s online presence.
At the same time, he served as director of, a company focused on mobile payment solutions, where he was responsible for leading operations and growth strategies, emphasizing innovation in digital financial services.
Previously, he worked as Senior Director of eCommerce at Walmart Mexico and Central America. In this role, he was instrumental in developing and implementing strategies that strengthened Walmart’s online presence, significantly improving its ecommerce platform and logistical efficiency.
Jose Acosta is recognized for his ability to lead multidisciplinary teams and his skill in implementing innovative solutions that meet market demands and drive sustainable growth in the ecommerce sector and associated technologies. His approach is always at the forefront of innovation, continuously improving business processes to maximize efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Jorge Defeo is a consultant specializing in Ecommerce and New Technologies and the founder of the agency RED CLOVER. As an Official VTEX Partner, he leads Ecommerce site implementations, providing strategic consulting in Digital Business.
Throughout his career, he has worked with several renowned companies. At Walmart Argentina, he served as Ecommerce and Technology Project Leader. At Tata Uruguay, he acted as a consultant and integrations developer. Additionally, he has provided consulting services to Newsan and led the development of B2B sites for Rapsodia, Baby Cotton, Caro Cuore, and Farmacias Vilela. In the B2C domain, he has developed sites for Akapol, Bodega Las Perdices, Bodega Luigi Bosca, Natural Life, Piñata, and Grimberg Dentales.
Jorge Defeo is known for his ability to integrate emerging technologies into ecommerce strategies, helping companies optimize their operations and adapt to the demands of the digital market. His focus on innovation and ability to lead teams in complex projects have positioned him as a reference in his field.
Jonatan Fasano is an experienced Commercial Manager with a solid track record in the internet industry. He is recognized for his skills in digital strategy, search engine optimization, mobile product development, marketing strategies, and digital marketing.
Since 2022, he has served as Head of Product at Walmart Connect México, where he leads the development and implementation of innovative digital products that optimize the customer experience and enhance the company’s e-commerce. Simultaneously, since 2021, he has held the position of Digital Director at Grupo América, directing the organization’s digital strategies to maximize its online presence and commercial performance.
Before his current role at Grupo América, he was Digital Commercial Manager at the same company, where he led various growth and digital transformation initiatives. Previously, he held the position of Digital Commercial Manager at UNO Medios, where he drove the development of successful digital commercial strategies.
His experience also includes his role as Commercial Director at Grupo VI-DA until 2015, where he oversaw commercial operations and significantly contributed to the company’s growth and expansion in the digital field.
Jonatan Fasano stands out for his strategic vision, results-oriented approach, and ability to lead multidisciplinary teams in high-impact projects. His extensive experience and skills in the digital field make him a key leader in the digital transformation and commercial growth of the organizations he has worked with.
Ingrid Briggiler is an entrepreneur and leader in the field of digital health in Argentina, committed to transforming the healthcare system through innovative and accessible technological solutions. With a clear vision of patients’ needs and a focus on creating value for all system stakeholders, she has founded and led multiple successful telemedicine initiatives.
Since 2022, she has been the Founder and CEO of Nuevo Método, her second telemedicine company, inspired by the challenges women face in regularly visiting their gynecologists from adolescence to old age. This experience motivated her to create a technological solution that facilitates and improves access to medical care for women, providing a more practical and cost-effective option.
Previously, she founded Llamando al Doctor, a pioneering telemedicine platform that enables patients to access medical consultations remotely. Initially serving as CEO, she continues her work as President of the company, focusing on its growth and expansion.
In addition to her entrepreneurial roles, since 2019, she has served as Vice President of the Argentine Chamber of Health and Technology (CASyT), working to promote the integration of advanced technology into the Argentine healthcare system to improve efficiency and the quality of medical care.
She has also shared her knowledge and experience as a Lecturer in the Entrepreneurship Training Chair at ITBA, inspiring future entrepreneurs to develop innovative solutions for contemporary challenges.
Ingrid Briggiler stands out for her ability to identify and translate real patient problems into useful, practical, and cost-effective technological solutions, establishing herself as a key figure in the evolution of the healthcare sector in Argentina.
Ignacio José Echechiquia is a distinguished professional with extensive experience in customer experience management, CRM, product development, as well as marketing, direct sales, and loyalty programs.
Since 2021, he has been serving as Vice President of Customer Experience, CRM & Product at Aerolíneas Argentinas, where he has led key initiatives to enhance customer experience and optimize the airline’s CRM strategies and product development.
Previously, he was Vice President of Marketing, Direct Sales, and Loyalty at Aerolíneas Argentinas. In this role, he was responsible for strengthening the brand, driving sales through direct channels, and developing loyalty programs that increased customer loyalty to the airline.
Since 2022, he has also been a member of the Executive Board of the Argentine Chamber of E-Commerce (CACE), where he serves as Treasurer, contributing to the financial management of the organization and supporting the development of e-commerce in the country.
Before his time at Aerolíneas Argentinas, he was Regional Commercial Manager for Latin America at Telefónica. In this position, he led commercial strategies in the region, strengthening Telefónica’s presence in the Latin American market and managing key relationships with partners and clients.
Additionally, he held the position of Regional Manager of Online Sales, Online Marketing, Enterprises, Rewards, and Associates at Almundo. During his tenure, he boosted online sales and digital marketing strategies, developing rewards programs and partnerships that increased the reach and effectiveness of the company’s operations in the market.
Ignacio José Echechiquia is recognized for his strategic vision and his ability to lead multidisciplinary teams, always focusing on innovation and continuous improvement in customer experience and marketing and sales strategies.
Gustavo Sambucetti is a professional with a strong academic background and extensive experience in e-commerce and business strategy.
With over 20 years of experience in building and leading teams, he has demonstrated his ability to drive growth and digital transformation in organizations. His e-commerce expertise spans more than a decade, holding key roles such as President of the Argentine Chamber of Electronic Commerce (CACE), Deputy Director of eCommerce at Walmart Argentina, and Country Manager of
Since December 2017, he has served as Institutional Director of CACE, where he continues to contribute to the development of e-commerce in Argentina. Previously, he was President of CACE, during which time he led strategic initiatives that positioned the chamber as a reference in the sector.
In parallel with his work at CACE, he is Director of GoForEcommerce, where he advises companies on the implementation and optimization of their e-commerce strategies, leveraging his extensive experience and vision of the digital market.
At Walmart eCommerce, he held the position of Deputy Director of eCommerce and previously served as eCommerce and Strategic Planning Manager. In these roles, he was responsible for the expansion and consolidation of Walmart Argentina’s online sales channel, leading strategic projects that drove growth and innovation within the company.
Gustavo Sambucetti is recognized for his leadership in the e-commerce industry and his ability to build and lead high-performance teams, always focusing on strategy and achieving outstanding results.
Gonzalo Begazo is a prominent entrepreneur and business leader with a strong track record in creating and leading innovative companies. He is the co-founder and CEO of Chazki, a leading last-mile logistics platform in Latin America that has transformed the way companies manage their deliveries by offering efficient and technologically advanced solutions.
In addition to his role at Chazki, he is an active member of YPO (Young Presidents’ Organization), a global network of business leaders where he shares his vision and experience with other prominent executives. He is also an Endeavor Entrepreneur, which has allowed him to collaborate with a network of high-impact entrepreneurs, driving growth and innovation in the region.
He has been recognized as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, an honor that highlights his influence and commitment to responsible leadership and creating a positive global impact.
Before founding Chazki, he served as Executive Vice President and CFO at Aje, one of the largest beverage multinationals in Latin America. In this role, he led the company’s financial strategy, contributing significantly to its expansion and consolidation in key markets.
Gonzalo Begazo is known for his ability to lead teams, drive innovation, and transform industries through technology and strategic management. His exemplary career positions him as one of the key figures in the Latin American business world, committed to sustainable development and economic growth in the region.
Gabriel Safirsztein is the founder of SouthAmerican Trendy Argentina, which includes Style Store and Swatch Argentina, as well as Senelford in Uruguay. These companies are dedicated to the distribution of affordable luxury international brands in Latin America. His professional career highlights his expertise in both online and offline retail business, as well as travel retail.
Since 2007, he has served as the General Director of Swatch Argentina, where he has led the brand’s expansion and consolidation in the Argentine market.
In 2020, he took on the role of Head of Ecommerce at StyleStore, strengthening the company’s digital presence and optimizing e-commerce strategies to improve the customer experience and increase sales.
Before these roles, he was the Business Manager at GH Pulseiras, where he managed various business and product development initiatives. His career in the fashion and luxury industry began as Commercial Director at Pierre Provence Paris in 1999, where he was in charge of commercial direction and market strategy development.
Gabriel Safirsztein has demonstrated an outstanding ability to lead and expand businesses in the affordable luxury and retail sectors in Latin America. His experience in both online and offline retail, along with his knowledge of the travel retail business, positions him as an innovative and strategic leader in his industry.
Gabriel González is a senior executive with a distinguished career in leadership positions across various areas such as commercial divisions, e-commerce, digital transformation, digital marketing, planning, and supply chain.
He has accumulated vast experience in strategic roles in major consumer goods, retail, and healthcare companies across Latin America, including countries such as Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Mexico.
His expertise focuses on designing and implementing value propositions and managing disruptive business strategies, focusing on long-term sustainability and short-term profitability. His leadership is distinguished by the formation of high-performance teams and excellence in management.
During his more than six years as Regional Director of Digital Business at FEMSA Salud, he was the architect of a deep digital transformation, focusing on omnichannel, personalization, and user experience, which strengthened the company’s presence in four key markets: Mexico, Chile, Colombia, and Ecuador.
In addition to his experience at FEMSA Salud, he consolidated his expertise in business management and efficient process and operations management during his time at Ripley in Chile and Peru, ensuring a positive and sustainable impact on growth and organizational culture.
Since 2024, he has been a member of the Board of Directors at Oneapp. In April 2024, he began working as an advisor at ActiveIT Consultores. Previously, he was a member of the Innovation Circle at ICARE Chile.
Fernanda Onzari is a professional passionate about innovation and digital and organizational transformation within companies. With a solid career in eCommerce since 2014, she has led numerous projects.
Since August 2014, she has been a Mentor at Semillero Digital, where she has guided numerous people and teams in their professional development within the digital ecosystem, sharing her vast experience and knowledge in eCommerce.
Additionally, she has played a key role in the Argentine Chamber of E-Commerce (CACE). She is a member of the Executive Committee, and until 2024, she held the position of Vice President, contributing significantly to the growth and strengthening of e-commerce in Argentina.
In her corporate experience, she has served as Executive Director of Ecommerce, Digital Marketing, IT Product, and Omnichannel Contact Center at Dia Argentina. In this role, she was responsible for the company’s digital transformation, implementing omnichannel strategies that revolutionized the customer experience and optimized internal processes.
Previously, she was Business Development Manager in eCommerce at Carrefour Argentina, where she led key initiatives for the development and expansion of the company’s digital channel, positioning Carrefour as a relevant player in the eCommerce market in the country.
Fernanda Onzari is recognized for her visionary leadership and her ability to drive change within organizations, always focusing on innovation and building highly efficient and motivated teams.
Eli Senerman is passionate about organizational transformations, especially in its cultural dimension. With vast experience in technology areas, he has led multidisciplinary teams, fostering their autonomy to meet the needs of both clients and collaborators. He has also specialized in e-commerce and the development of new digital businesses.
His focus is on enabling teams to work autonomously and effectively, promoting an environment where innovation and creativity can thrive.
In addition to his work at Walmart, he is a co-founder of School of Tech, a technology academy for children and young people. Through this platform, he has helped transform school curriculums to incorporate programming and digital skills, preparing the next generations for the challenges of the future.
Eli Senerman is a leader committed to innovation and continuous improvement, both in the corporate world and in technological education, always seeking to generate a positive and lasting impact on organizations and society.
Eduardo Berrocal is an expert in the Spanish digital market with extensive experience in international markets, including Europe, Latin America, and the United States. His career has developed in the fields of the internet, e-commerce, marketplaces, digital marketing, and advertising, holding senior management roles both as an entrepreneur and manager.
He is the founder of several prominent companies such as, Alternatiba, Runnics, Edunext, AllonDigital, and ForumEduca. Currently, he is the CEO of AllOnDigital, a position he has held since 2020. Previously, he founded EDUNEXT SOLUTIONS and was CEO of Runnics until 2019.
Among his previous roles, he was also CEO of Digital Business at Comunica +A and founder and president of DVDGO.COM.
In addition to his business roles, he is an independent advisor and consultant in digital transformation, e-commerce, and business development for various brands and consulting firms both nationally and internationally. His influence extends into the academic field, where he is a professor at OBS Business School and Universidad Europea, and he actively participates as a speaker at public events.
He also founded Atiendes (Association of Virtual Stores of Spain), which is now part of Adigital, the Spanish Association of the Digital Economy, contributing to the development and strengthening of the digital ecosystem in Spain. His career combines a strategic vision with a deep understanding of the digital environment, allowing him to lead transformation and growth projects in the e-commerce and digital sector.
Edison Cortés is a professional with an outstanding track record in product and technology management, recognized for his ability to develop and implement innovative solutions that drive operational and commercial success for the companies he has worked with.
Currently, he holds the position of Head of Products at SD Works, where he leads key projects incorporating cutting-edge technology, such as light-directed sorting. One of his most notable achievements is the implementation of the Put Wall system, which has been crucial for the operational success of the new Skechers Distribution Center in Chile.
Before assuming his current role, he served as Country Manager for Peru at SD Works, where his leadership and strategic vision were essential for the expansion and consolidation of the company in the Peruvian market.
At the same time, he was Head of Technology/New Business at Tribeca Media, where his focus on implementing technological strategies led to the creation of exceptional customer service solutions for Ripley in Chile and Peru. He also fostered strategic partnerships with automation and monitoring platforms, strengthening the company’s value proposition in the region.
He also has experience in corporate sales at VTEX and as the owner of an e-commerce business at Oechsle, roles in which he developed key skills in e-commerce and sales management, laying the groundwork for his current focus on innovation and efficiency in product and technology management.
His passion for innovation, combined with his expertise in business development and focus on process optimization, drives him to continue advancing in the industry, implementing solutions that have a tangible and lasting impact on organizations.
David Rodríguez Ureña is an experienced executive with a remarkable track record in the internet industry. His career spans various leadership and entrepreneurship roles, demonstrating exceptional skills in negotiation, business planning, sales, and e-commerce.
He currently serves as President of WIM Group Company, where he leads corporate strategy and key decision-making for the company’s growth and development. His leadership is characterized by a focus on innovation and operational excellence.
As CEO and founder of WEBIMPACTO CONSULTING S.L., he has established and directed the company towards success, making it a benchmark in digital marketing and e-commerce consulting. His strategic vision and leadership skills have been key to the sustained growth of the company.
He is also a co-founder of D2C Ecommerce, an innovative direct-to-consumer e-commerce platform. His role involves creating and executing strategies to attract and retain customers, as well as optimizing the online shopping experience.
In Photography eCommerce, he serves as Co-CEO, managing the company’s operations and business strategies. His focus on quality and efficiency has driven the company’s growth and reputation in the market.
Before founding his own companies, he worked as Commercial Manager at Webpac, where he was responsible for developing business and sales strategies that significantly increased the company’s revenue and customer base.
David is a highly qualified professional with a Master of Sciences in Internet Engineering from the University of Sunderland. He is known for his entrepreneurial spirit and ability to lead teams to success. His focus on innovation, combined with his strong work ethic and commitment to excellence, makes him a leading figure in the internet industry. His analytical ability and strategic vision allow him to identify and seize market opportunities, ensuring continuous and sustainable growth for the companies he leads.
Damián Voltes is a prominent entrepreneur and angel investor with extensive experience in mergers and acquisitions. Since 1996, he has been involved in the creation, investment, development, and sale of media and technology companies in LATAM.
Currently, since April 2023, he serves as Senior Vice President of Corporate Development at Aleph Group, Inc., the leading digital advertising representation company for platforms such as Twitter, Meta, Snap, TikTok, among others. In this role, he launched and leads Aleph Payments, a cross-border payments business covering over 130 territories with 49 currencies.
Since February 2009, he has been a director at Patagonia Ventures, an early-stage private investment vehicle with 15 successful exits out of 26 investments. Additionally, since August 2020, he has held a director position at Fiera Studio, a company builder that co-creates new businesses with entrepreneurs and corporations.
As an entrepreneur, he founded six Internet companies, three of which were acquired by public corporations, including Digital Ventures, InZearch, and EmergingCast. He later worked in global M&A and corporate development activities for FOX and Demand Media.
As an angel investor, he was a pioneer in writing the first checks for companies that were later acquired by major corporations, such as Wondery by Amazon and IndexTank by LinkedIn.
Damián Voltes holds an MBA and a degree in Business Administration from the University of Belgrano. He has completed postgraduate studies in Telecommunications at the University of San Andrés and ITBA, as well as an Executive Program in Mergers and Acquisitions at Stanford Business School.
Cristian Daher is a business leader with an outstanding track record in creating and developing technology companies, positioning them as leaders in their sector.
His deep knowledge of technology, both hardware and software, along with his ability to identify innovative solutions, makes him an expert in optimizing and continuously improving business operations.
Since 2022, he has served as Group CEO of elGenioX, where he leads the group’s global strategy, focusing on the company’s expansion and consolidation in the market. Additionally, he is Group CEO of dCapital, a company where he has driven growth and diversification of its operations.
He is also the founder and CEO of DATEC LATAM, a company he has led since 1999. Under his leadership, DATEC LATAM has become the number one technology firm in his country, standing out for its innovation and excellence in delivering technological solutions.
Previously, he was CEO of Siglo XXI, where he laid the foundation for his successful business career, demonstrating from the start a strong focus on transformation and adaptation to change.
Cristian Daher is recognized for his strategic vision and his ability to take companies to the next level, combining his experience in technology with an innate ability to structure high-performance businesses.
Christian Finkelstein is a distinguished executive with extensive experience in commercial and revenue management within the consumer goods and food industries. His career spans over two decades, marked by strategic leadership roles and a proven track record of driving business growth.
Christian has been leading the revenue management division at Arredo since November 2017. In this role, he oversees pricing strategies, sales forecasting, and revenue optimization initiatives. His position involves collaborating with various departments to ensure revenue goals are met and the company maintains its competitive edge in the market. Christian’s strategic insights have been instrumental in improving Arredo’s market position and profitability.
Prior to his current role, he served as Commercial Manager at Arredo for nearly a decade. During this time, he managed commercial operations, spearheading marketing campaigns, sales strategies, and customer relationship management. His leadership significantly contributed to the company’s growth and market expansion, positioning Arredo as a leading brand in the industry.
His international experience includes a tenure as Sales Manager for Europe at Andes Foods. He was responsible for managing sales operations in European markets, developing market entry strategies, and building strong relationships with key players. His efforts led to increased market share and brand recognition for Andes Foods in a competitive environment.
Simultaneously with his role at Andes Foods, he served as Executive Director at the British Argentine Chamber of Commerce. In this position, he facilitated trade relations between British and Argentine companies, promoted bilateral trade initiatives, and organized events to foster networking and business collaboration.
Christian Finkelstein’s diverse experience and strategic acumen make him a valuable asset in any commercial leadership role. His ability to navigate complex market dynamics and drive revenue growth is evident in his successful tenure at Arredo and previous positions. He continues to be a key figure in formulating commercial strategies and achieving business excellence.
César Tello is a business leader with a solid track record in various organizations. Since 2021, he has served as CEO of Adigital, where he has led the organization’s strategy and growth. At the same time, he is Vice Chair of the Internal Market Committee at BusinessEurope, actively participating in the development of policies and strategies for the European market.
He also holds the position of Vice President of the Board of Directors at Confianza Online, an organization that promotes trust and security in e-commerce and digital advertising.
Before these roles, he was Managing Director of the CRE100DO Foundation until 2021, where he contributed to the strengthening and growth of medium-sized companies in Spain.
Previously, he served as Deputy Director at Adigital, where his management and leadership were fundamental to the organization’s development.
With extensive experience in leadership, team management, and strategy development, César Tello has proven to be a key figure in the business and digital fields.
Cecilia Pascual Bereau is a professional specialized in product management, digital marketing, and e-commerce, with extensive experience in retail, online communication, and technology. Throughout her career, she has proven to be proactive, decisive, creative, and responsible, with strong analytical skills and a results-oriented approach that enables her to lead teams effectively.
She is currently working as a Product Manager at Farmacity, where she is responsible for product management and development. Her focus is on identifying market opportunities, developing product strategies, and ensuring customer satisfaction through innovative and effective solutions.
As a Digital Product Leader, she led the digital product strategy, managing the development and optimization of digital products. Her leadership contributed to the growth and success of Farmacity’s digital platform, improving user experience and increasing operational efficiency.
As the Digital Marketing and Performance Leader for the e-commerce channel, she was responsible for designing and executing digital marketing strategies that drove traffic and online sales. Her ability to analyze performance and adjust strategies was key to the success of Farmacity’s e-commerce.
At BI-LAB, she served as Sales and Marketing Manager, leading sales and marketing strategies, focusing on brand growth and market expansion. Her proactive approach and ability to develop effective campaigns significantly contributed to the company’s growth.
She began her career at Mollon S.A. as Online Marketing Manager, where she developed and implemented digital marketing strategies that enhanced the company’s online presence and increased customer engagement. Her creativity and analytical skills played a crucial role in improving digital campaigns.
She is known for her proactivity, creativity, and responsibility. Her analytical and results-oriented approach allows her to make informed and effective decisions. She is a leader capable of guiding her team towards success, always seeking to improve and optimize processes and strategies. Her ability to adapt to new challenges and commitment to excellence make her a valuable professional in the field of digital marketing and product management.
Camilo Reina is an executive with a proven track record in driving business growth and revenue through Marketing and Digital Transformation. His focus is on understanding how technology impacts behavior and how innovation, leadership, and organizational culture create high-performance teams that generate significant impact. He is open to mentoring marketing executives and guiding them through digital transformation processes.
With strong business acumen, he has a deep understanding of how technology, creativity, and business combine to serve customers and other stakeholders. His experience spans various industries such as Retail, Finance, Travel, Automotive, Technology, and Telecommunications, giving him a broad context to drive business success.
He has experience serving on the Board of Puntos Colombia (2019-2022), the National Association of Advertisers CO (ANDA) (2020-2022), and the Colombian Chamber of Electronic Commerce (2020-2022).
Since 2023, he has been the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Cycla and also serves as the CEO of a gig economy company. His main drivers are building diverse and engaged teams and developing digital capabilities to create impact in both business and society.
Bernardo Cordero is a dynamic entrepreneur and business leader with extensive experience in creating and scaling innovative companies and organizations in the technology and online sales industries. His expertise spans strategic planning, business development, and fostering collaborative partnerships.
He co-founded Clau, where he is actively involved in strategic decision-making and guiding the company’s growth and innovation in its market. His key contribution has been leading the company through various stages of growth, implementing new technologies, and ensuring the alignment of business strategies with market demands.
As a founding partner at Nascent, he plays a crucial role in the strategic direction and operational management of the company. He facilitated the company’s expansion, oversaw significant investment decisions, and built a strong business network.
He co-founded AMVO and serves as Vice President, driving initiatives to promote and support the online sales industry in Mexico. He leads sector research, advocates for favorable regulations, and organizes events and workshops to educate and empower online sellers.
As a founding team member of Mexico Tech Week, he contributes to the event’s creation and development. A major event showcasing technological innovations and fostering networking among tech professionals, he plans and executes event strategies, secures sponsorships, and collaborates with key stakeholders in the tech community.
As an investor and board member at, he provided strategic guidance and oversight for a company focused on human resources solutions.
Bernardo Cordero’s diverse roles and contributions in different capacities highlight his versatility and commitment to driving growth and innovation in the companies and industries he is involved with.
Andrés Zaied is an expert in eCommerce development and digital strategies with a strong focus on technology, a field he has been cultivating since 1997. With an innovative and disruptive vision, he has led projects that consistently push the boundaries to enhance user experience, encompassing areas such as hyper-personalization, marketing automation, real-time marketing, the metaverse, and immersive experiences.
Since 2022, he has served as President of the Argentine Chamber of Electronic Commerce (CACE), where he works to foster and develop e-commerce in Argentina. Additionally, he holds the position of Digital Channels Manager at Electrónica Megatone S.A., where he oversees the company’s digital strategies and online presence.
Previously, he was Digital Business Manager at Musimundo, one of Argentina’s largest retailers, until 2022. In this role, he implemented and managed digital strategies that drove the company’s growth and digital transformation.
His career began at Librerías Santa Fe, where he served as Internet Department Manager. During this period, he was also Editorial Director, supervising the company’s editorial and digital strategy.
Andrés Zaied has proven to be a visionary leader in e-commerce and digital transformation, combining his extensive experience and technical knowledge to create unique and disruptive user experiences. His professional journey reflects a constant commitment to innovation and excellence in the digital field.
Andrés Marrero is a prominent Uruguayan professional with extensive experience in the communication and digital economy sectors. He currently serves as Director at CARDINAL, a communication agency dedicated to branding and performance in digital media. Under his leadership, CARDINAL has established itself as a digital reference in Uruguay, offering innovative solutions to its clients.
In addition to his role at CARDINAL, he is an active executive at the Uruguayan Chamber of Digital Economy (CEDU), where he has significantly contributed to the development of the digital sector in Uruguay. His leadership led him to assume the presidency of CEDU in March 2024, after being a founding member and executive. His vision and commitment have been instrumental in driving initiatives that promote the digital economy in the country.
In the business field, he is also the co-founder of, a payment gateway for e-commerce and a collection solution specifically designed for Uruguayan SMEs. This venture has facilitated access to digital payment tools for small and medium-sized enterprises, contributing to the digitalization of the sector.
He also serves as Secretary General of IAB Uruguay, where he works to promote and develop digital advertising in the country. His experience and knowledge have made him a sought-after speaker at online advertising and communication conferences and events in Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile.
Throughout his career, Andrés Marrero has demonstrated unwavering commitment to innovation and the development of the digital economy, becoming a reference in the field both in Uruguay and across the region.
Andrés Gil is an experienced executive with a solid track record in operations management, strategic projects, and e-commerce. Since 2020, he has served as the Corporate Ecommerce Manager at Ripley Corp, where he has led the company’s digital strategy, driving the transformation and growth of e-commerce.
Before his current role, he was the Operations and Strategic Projects Manager at Ripley Corp. In this position, he was responsible for planning and executing key projects for the organization, improving operational efficiency, and aligning strategic initiatives with corporate goals.
In his professional journey, he has also worked in the public sector. Until 2014, he served as the National Coordinator of the Reconstruction Program at the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development in Chile. In this role, he coordinated and supervised projects aimed at housing reconstruction, showcasing his ability to lead large-scale initiatives with significant social impact.
Additionally, he was the Regional Area Director at Un Techo para Chile, an organization dedicated to eradicating poverty through the construction of emergency housing. Here, he managed programs across different regions of the country, demonstrating his skill in leading teams in challenging environments.
His career began in the private sector as a Development Engineer at ABB S.A. In this position, he focused on developing technical solutions, applying his engineering background to improve the company’s processes and products.
Andrés Gil combines diverse experience in both the public and private sectors, excelling in the implementation of operational and digital strategies that have delivered significant results in the organizations he has worked with.
Alejandro Cosentino is a prominent leader and pioneer in the field of financial technology and innovation in Latin America. He currently serves as Secretary of Innovation, Science, and Technology of the Republic of Argentina, a position he has held since December 2023. In this role, he is committed to driving the country’s technological and scientific progress, fostering research and development to contribute to the nation’s economic and social growth.
Previously, he was the founder and CEO of Afluenta, the leading marketplace lending company in Latin America. Under his leadership, Afluenta became a benchmark in the FinTech industry, facilitating financing of over USD 100 million through an innovative platform that connected lenders and borrowers in Mexico, Argentina, and Peru.
Additionally, he has played a key role in the development of the FinTech sector in the region. He served as Treasurer of the Argentine FinTech Chamber until 2022 and as Vice President of the same organization until 2020. He also served as Vice President of FinTech IberoAmérica, promoting collaboration and growth in the industry at an Ibero-American level.
With a career marked by innovation and building high-performance teams, Alejandro Cosentino has proven to be a visionary leader and a staunch advocate for technological development as a driver of social and economic progress.
Alejandro Colin is a senior executive with over 14 years of experience in e-commerce (B2C, B2B, marketplaces, omnichannel, multi-store, store pickup, ship-from-store, digital transformation). He has a strong ability to design and execute business plans that combine a marketing perspective with solid numerical analysis. He has experience in multinational companies aligning global strategies.
He has achieved great success in e-commerce, business strategy, startups, brand launches, and positioning.
As VP Sales New Business at VTEX, he leads the sales strategy for new businesses, driving growth and adoption of new technologies in the market.
Previously, as VP Sales Retail, he was responsible for sales in the retail sector, developing strategies to enhance the company’s presence in the retail market.
As VP Marketing & BDR Mexico-Central America, he led marketing and business development, improving the company’s visibility and expansion in Mexico and Central America.
Until 2017, he served as Managing Director at Retail, Sales & Consulting Group, where he managed general operations, developing sales and consulting strategies to enhance business performance.
In 2011, as Co-founder and Commercial Leader at Netshoes Mexico, he drove the growth of e-commerce and consolidated the brand in the Mexican market.
Alejandro Colin has proven to be an effective leader in developing and executing complex business strategies. His ability to combine marketing with solid financial analysis has enabled him to achieve success in various industries and projects. With an extensive track record in the retail and e-commerce sectors, he continues to lead innovations and digital transformations that drive business growth and competitiveness.